Be A "Super" Human! Make Changes Happen!
It's only us who can change the world! Every single one of you is important! Never give up to believe that our planet could be a much better place!
It's been for the very first time since 2 years that I didn't write nor post anything for over 10 ! days. I was always persistent and consistent with my message. I try to inspire as much as I can because I made it my mission to educate through my blog, digging out mostly the good stuff.
I never liked to write about "evil", nor do I like to complain but we have to be more careful and watch out for each other more than ever.
I have some personal issues why I wouldn't have enough reason to feel that awesome but then, I shake myself off all those unwanted insecurities, doubts as well as damn bad news I got just recently and jump on that "board".....keep on riding!
There was so much going on those past two weeks. Don't even know where to start to get back into my daily steemit groove.
I am not burnt out ( oh well ....a little bit) but steemit sucked all my energy out of me i n a good but also bad way in past few months.
The platform is still close to my heart and especially the incredible people I met here. I said it many times but for now, something else caught my attention.
I FELL IN LOVE AGAIN & IT feels damn good! It's #ONOlove!
The word "I CARE" from a mouth of a very bright, passionate, intelligent, young and idialistic woman I have learnt to respect so much. I do care as well and think often how our lives could improve without those negative forces around us.
Ke Xu is her name!
My hope for equality, justice and fairness started rising in my whole being all over again. I am excited about this project! It might be possible to secure our well deserved happiness.
Since I am a teen, I am running around living my life, wishing to change the evil of this world. We need to get rid of every single bad actor in all of our communities.
How? I do not know for sure! I can only watch out and protect myself and spread kindness as an example.
Will ONO change the world? I don't know!
We do have another opportunity and should be ready to embrace it, get together and at least .....let's try!
"All men were made brothers.
The earth is the mother of all people,
and all people should have equal rights upon it.
You might as well expect the rivers
to run backward
as that any man who was born free
should be contented
when penned up
and denied liberty to go
where he pleases.
It does not require many words
to speak the truth."
-Chief J......
I spent precious time learning about a new project and a lot of valuable time on various telegram groups, chatting away with so many Steemians I have never heard about before.
We are all volunteers and on the same vibe! That's unique and since I am always curious to learn more about our communities, people and their ideas, I got hooked big time.
Once again. Yes! I never stop learning about new inspirations and so hungry to keep on studying more about our chances for my daughters and your children's future.
Yes! It's ONO time!
Keep your eyes and ears open for the upcoming launch of the super awesome dApp in May.
For now I don't say more......Find out for yourself!
Maybe You are one of the Super Partners!
Ashley is an ONO volunteer and has some insight into what a Super Partner does.
Read more and stay updated @onosocial
ONO Official Links:
Official website:
Telegram Chinese:
Telegram English:
Telegram Russian:
Sina Weibo:
WeChat official account: onogogo
Instagram :
Snapchat : onosocial
Yours @mammasitta
Be 10 days without writing to settle the base of 10 possible years (or more) of good vibes for the world, it's rocks!
Maybe not everyone is aware, but I defend your "absence" because I have been a witness, according to my possibilities, of the good work that you have been doing. The same thing you saw (and I'm sure you're still seeing) on Steemit, you see it now on ONO but from the eyes of the heart and there's nothing more laudable than that. You fell in love again!
Here you have an entourage that will be proud to follow you wherever you go (I include myself) and they will know how to value 10 days less for 1000 more days!
If after many years you continue to defend the values you name here, you can be sure that we will be many who will follow your steps.
Actually, you are Super Mammasitta! Hahahaha...
You have nooooo idea how much I value our friendship!!!!! ONE LOVE!!!
I love to fall in love !!!!!
Same here!!! <3
Get your telegram soon!!
Hahahaha is done!!! I solved quickly to be able to join you :D
I left you a message over there <3
Its good to have you back
Haha we love you too...
I have positive expectations for the Onos, however this is it for real as you have said
Im on the Onos telegram group
super duper meeting the ONOverse:)
Thank you for being there again! I believe that you will become a stronger person through the difficult times that you experience. Eventually everything will be fine and positive things will come your way.
If @mammasitta is so excited, it must be really exciting! Nice to see there's some hope left in this world. For the moment, I'm busy reading up on Ono.
It's past 1am and everybody in my house is trying to figure out the CandyOne thingy - either we're on the brink of something revolutionary (not just Ono, all the blockchain related apps and technology), or we're all crazy:)
In some areas the candy box is not working but don’t worry. The App will be launched soon to get many ONOTS. Meanwhile Join those various channels and study the white paper. You will like it! 😍
I got bored without you and your letter in those 10 days. But now I see that you were not missing in vain. You brought a new stimulus and inspiration to steemit. Thank you.
How beautiful to hear to be missed!
You are beautiful!
Nice post about @onosocial! Upvoted, replied and resteemed. Hope you are already healthy again. <3 :)
Yes I am back on the block :) The sun shines again....
Good news! Finally you are back in the game, hope to see you soon! :)
Yes!!! Still a few steps to sort out though....
Nice to hear that you are feeling better now! We were worried about you @mammasitta :)
What would I do without you beautiful People!!!!
Welcome back, Miss. I see that you are very excited about this project and I see that you have a lot of influence in ONO, I would like to know if they have the intention of creating a community in Spanish? I ask this because I see that they have a telegram in Russian, English and Chinese.
Greetings, @mammasitta
As @mammasitta told you, it's necessary to go little by little learning everything related to ONO and the WhitePaper is the best way. I'm sure that we can meet there very soon, doing everything possible so that the community in Spanish can also raise its voice. Regards @vacilator!
I suggest that you join the English telegram group first and start socializing. We are All just volunteers and the more the better.
Spanish is for sure great and @lord-faustus has the same idea as well. Collaboration is the key! Reading the white paper is a MUST!
Alleine für die Bereitstellung der Liste an Links sage ich schon mal Danke!
Sehr interessantes Projekt - mal gucken, was daraus wird.
Biel Spaß beim exploren. Es ist sicher interessant sich Mal durch zu lesen. Wenn Du Fragen hast bin ich gerne da.
Danke sehr, das ist lieb! Fragen werden sicher aufkommen...
Wenn ich bedenke, wie lange ich gebraucht habe, um bei Steemit einigermaßen durchzusteigen. Aber gut, ich wußte ja nicht mal was eine Blockchain ist.... ! :-)
Hahha! Ich verstehe Dich gut. Ichvhatte auch keine Ahnung vor 2 Jahren aber es war unglaublich interessant was ich alles gelernt habe. Never stop improving your mind!
Nett Dich kennen zu lernen
Die Freude ist ganz auf meiner Seite! :-)
Ich habe ein Vierteljahr gebraucht, bis ich das 1. mal auf Redeem gedrückt habe...
Yes, the more positive you think, the more positive things happen. It is the law of the universe, like law of gravity. If you visualise your life in a positive manner, you will realise positive things start happening around you. If you ask for positivity, you will get the same in abundance, if you ask for joy, you will get joy in abundance, if you ask for happiness, you will get happiness in abundance. Its like the universe conspires you to achieve all the good things. Energy flows where the focus goes. That is how our subconscious mind works.
Wise words !
Thank you for inspiring me with your wisdom! People like you will make the difference I have in mind
i love how the people started talking about ono everywhere, i start getting excited for it too, cant wait to have more time and read more about it !
Lets fall in ONOlove because I really enjoy to be in love!