The Venus Project Kicks Ass
I could not help but notice a lack of articles here concerning the brainchild of industrial designer, Jacque Fresco. The idea is simply known as The Venus Project, named after Venus, Florida, not the planet. It has come to my attention that the people on Steemit are huge supporters of progressive ideas, such as crypto-currency, so it amazes me that The Venus Project is not discussed here that much? It is far from a new or radical idea. It was actually feasible as far back as 1974 when Mr. Fresco had his one and only interview on the Larry King Show.
What IS the Venus Project? Simply put, it is the Scientific Method applied to Social Concern. Mr. Fresco realized that the root cause of our social ills stems from the environment itself. Our current money structure exists as a means to manage/distribute our resources because of real or assumed scarcity. Human kind has never lived in abundance unless you want to take into account any cultures that may of pre-dated the last Ice Age, of which we know very little. Maybe they had abundance and maybe they didn't? Point being, we have never manifested a situation within our culture that had the capacity to meet all of our wants and needs.
Since our behavior is a direct result of the environment itself, it didn't take long for Mr. Fresco to realize that most abhorrent human behavior stems from money/scarcity. A person who is going without is much more likely to steal. A person who grows up impoverished is more likely to be abused, and therefore, become abusers their selves. The only way he could think to remedy these issues was to use technology to create such an abundance of our needs/wants, that we would have no need to ever steal from each other, or fight over resources.
Since Automation is happening anyway, why not embrace it and use it for its advantages? Having machines doing the bulk of the "hard labor", especially concerning production, would inevitably lead to a society of abundance. When things become abundant, they lose value. Keeping that in mind, striving for automated abundance would mean we would eventually have no need for money. Just look at the music industry! Music is so abundant that artists sometimes can't even give their music away for free. Apply that to our collective needs such as food, water, shelter, clothes, and technologies that make our lives easier.
This can be hard for people to imagine, but, with abundance we can meet everyone's needs to a point that there would be no need for anyone to resort to crime in order to live a high quality of life. It would be free for all peoples of the world. In fact, theft would be impossible. If everything is free for you, why steal it? You can't sell it for money, as there is no money in a Resource Based Economy. Experts speculate that this social design would eliminate 95% of all crime overnight if we implemented it today.
Projecting the trend over decades, it is safe to say we could have a society devoid of government, police, armies, laws, poverty, illness, hunger, inequality, and all of the other social ills that stem directly from our use of money. What kind of future do you want for your children? I think about my children't future all the time.
As far as you, the reader goes, who likely supports Bitcoin and other crypto-currencies, this idea is not a threat to you. In fact, the use of crypto-currency could actually be the catalyst we need to strive for this change on a global scale. Considering the path we are already treading down at an exponential rate, it would be best to steer society for the better before the profits made from war wind up destroying our world.
Don't just take my word for it though, it is okay to be skeptical. In fact, it is encouraged. If you would like to learn more about the pros, cons, and how to make a transition to a world of abundance I have put some links for all of you below.
Any comments about accusing this idea of being Communist or Socialist will be ignored. You have the resources you need to find out why that isn't the case at your fingertips. Those social systems require the same lifeblood as Capitalism. So please, don't troll me and waste my time. We don't have much time to waste now, do we? I dunno about you, but when I go for a drive, I see a nationwide garbage pile that keeps getting bigger all the time.
Keep it real, yo, and thanks for reading!
Much love,
Lucy Sage Dreamtree (Shaman-Ra).
Thank you, shaman-ra. Upvoted and resteemed!
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Thank you @ArtTurtle. If I see you crossing a road, I will make sure to pick you up and get you across safely. <3
Right on! Let us make things happen! I am so motivated right now! ;)