Challenges Are Opportunities For Spiritual Growth: The Silver Lining aka There's a Pony in here somewhere
"Message from the Angels
My dear friends, we love you so very much,
Challenges will always be part of life, but you will always have the opportunity to see them as opportunities. By their very nature, challenges are situations that you don't know how, or if, you can handle. When you see something as a challenge, your personality is not certain it is up for the task!
When you face a challenge, "who you think you are" feels limited. "Who you really are" has no bounds or limits whatsoever.
In each challenge, you have the opportunity to embrace more deeply, “who you really are.”
Rather than fretting or worrying when a challenge arises, challenge yourself to say, "Wow, this could be an incredible opportunity! This could be the one thing that calls forth my Divinity. This could be the thing that calls for greater love, abundance, and strength from within. This could be the thing that shifts my energy into a more powerful space so I can create greater ease in the future. This is an incredible opportunity to create!"
We understand that, being human and programmed, your initial reaction to a challenge is probably not going to be a feeling of opportunity! At first your programming might say, "I hate this! Opportunity? I can do without that kind of opportunity" Little by little, however, you can begin to change these beliefs. You can begin to tell yourself, “Well, here I am, let’s see what good can come of this. Perhaps I can grow. Perhaps this is the opportunity to overcome a very deep and old pattern of struggle. Perhaps this is the opportunity to finally heal my life, finances, or body.
This could be one of the best things that ever happened to me…”
The Divine lives within you dear ones. The power that creates universes is there waiting for you to call it forth. The angels are with you. You never, ever have to handle a single challenge.
So when you are faced with a challenge, look for the opportunity within it….
Say you have a bill you don’t know how to pay. This could be the opportunity to find the energy of abundance within and shift away from a very old belief in struggle and lack. This could be the way the universe motivates your inner growth so you can create prosperity for the rest of your life! This could be the challenge you need to be grateful for everything you do have and to trust in the universe’s love and support for you! This could be a pivital opportunity to improve the quality of the rest of your life!
Suppose someone leaves you, perhaps a friend of a spouse. It hurts! You’re left to deal with life situations on your own. You don’t know how to get over the pain. Even in this dear ones, there is rich opportunity, fertile soil for amazing growth. You can use this as an opportunity to give yourself the love you’ve always given others. You can use this to learn where you ignored your guidance, became a martyr, or put up with conditions that were less than loving. You can use this as an opportunity to get clear about what type of relationships are permitted in your future as you move forward. You can see this as an opportunity to go within and feel the love of God and your angels – a love that will never, can never, leave you.
So while we know the natural human tendency when faced with a challenge is immediately to begin solving it, our advice would be first to sit still and pray to see the opportunity within it. Ask yourself, “How can I see this as an opportunity to grow?” Immediately a negative challenge shifts into a positive one when you ask this question. Ask yourself, “What do I want as the outcome? How do I want to feel?” Ask the universe and your angels for help.
Next shut your eyes. Imagine you sink into an ocean of love in much the same way a wave sinks into the ocean. Imagine this ocean carries you forward towards the solution. Breathe. Sink into the ocean. Exhale as it carries you. Now ask one more simple question, “What do I do next?” Trust the answer. Do nothing if you hear nothing. You will be guided.
Dear ones, your opportunities are challenges to embrace the light and power within your soul – the deepest and truest essence of your Being. Your challenges are opportunities to create, to get clear, to move past situations that don't serve you and to propel yourself towards situations that do. Your challenges are opportunities to relax into the fact that the angels and the Divine love you, guide you, and will never leave you.
In each challenge, no matter how hard it might appear, you are lovingly trying to steer yourself back to an awareness of the light and Divinity within.
If you practice shifting your mindset towards challenges regularly, you will find that life itself seems far less challenging. You will learn, grow, and move through challenging situations with far greater ease and joy.
Perhaps, someday, you will even welcome you challenges as opportunities to dive even more deeply into your power and your truth.
God Bless You! We love you so very much.
-- The Angels