How Much Do I Comment?

This is Day Twenty Three of @ dragosroua’s #challenge30days writing challenge. For more info on the challenge, Click Here. Today’s prompt is “How Many Comments Per Day Do You Post? Why?”

I don’t normally post my plans online too much, so if you’ve been missing me and wondering where I have been, I went on a short trip and chose not to be Steeming while I was gone. It’s important to take breaks and although this one wasn’t to recharge from Steemit, it was nice to focus on being in the moment and enjoy the time I had away. That being said, let’s dive in!

Source: Unsplash


I considered discussing the various opinions on commenting and how many some people say you should do, but I'll just stick to the prompt as it was given.

I view comments as my way of connecting with other people in the decentralized and disjointed space that is Steemit. It can be difficult to get noticed and unless your follower is only following 20-40 people, they may not even see your post. Therefore, it's helpful to comment on their posts so they can remember you're around. This can help drive more traffic to your blog.

When I first started, I didn't have any followers, so although I would post from time to time, I found that it was easier to write comments, and they tended to get me more in terms of revenue. People appreciated that I took the time to read their articles and leave meaningful comments, so they rewarded me accordingly. Granted, I haven't gotten any of those $50-$100 upvotes yet, but there have been a number of very generous people who have helped me along my journey... and I found them through commenting.

I don't have a set number of comments that I try to do per day. It's normally just based on what time and energy I have available. If I don't have much else going on and I am pumped to be reading through my feed, I could comment 40+ times in a day. If I get in a "commentversation" with @glenalbrethsen, then I could do even more. It all depends.

I try to do at least 10 comments per day because there are a small group of people that I follow and I want to give them feedback on their work. It can be discouraging to put out a great post and have no one comment, so I try to encourage my key followers by commenting on their posts whenever possible. I don't always comment, but normally if I take the time to read the post, I'll leave my thoughts so they know I've seen it.

Comments Have A Ripple Effect
Source: Pexels

That's really it. There's no formula or process. It depends on the day, but I focus mainly on a key group of people and expand as I am able. I do make sure to use up that VP by spreading votes around. I also upvote meaningful comments on my blogs to show appreciation for people taking the time to visit.

If you're reading this and are trying to figure out how much to comment or what they should look like, remember that quality is much more important for long-term success than quantity. Quality will eventually get some of those people to be your followers when they see you're not just spamming for votes.

Have fun and get out there and engage!

Previous Writing Contest Entries

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I also don't do a set number of comments per day. I try to make them meaningful. I think that when people are trying to achieve a set number of comments, it can lead to spam. I also don't always post a comment immediately after reading it. Some get me thinking and reflecting on a response.

I like your style. If I know it's a deep article that is going to need extra time to construct a meaningful reply, I open it in another tab and leave that open until I have the chance to give it the attention that it deserves. Then I comment. I appreciate that you focus on quality replies rather than metrics.

I love to comment on posts to discuss ideas, of course I don't mind if that leads to someone checking out my own posts, but that's of course not the main idea behind it.
I'm always very happy if someone leaves a comment on my posts, since that proves that that person really cares for the topic I have written about and that the post was really read and appreciated.

Well, thank you for commenting here. I'm glad that you connected enough with it that you wanted to say something about it. Welcome. Please come back for tea on every other day that ends in "y." Ha ha. Just kidding. Although that would be really cool. :)

I enjoy commenting on as much articles as I find interesting, starting with the steemit families I belong to. Like you, I like the engagement. SOmetimes, I get responses back, and that is how I get to know more about the person. I also try to upvote anyone who comes to my articles and leave a comment, because I value their time and effort, as it takes me time and effort to leave comments on other people's articles. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about comments. Nope, there is no limit to the number of comments I mught do a day. It all depends if I have enough bandwidth to do it or not. NOw, I also tend to upvote much, so today, I am really down VP. Take care, my friend.

I'm glad to hear that we have similar approaches. I do remember the times when bandwidth was in short supply. That will get better once you hit 50SP. After that it's smooth sailing. You'll be able to comment until the cows come home. That's a saying, right? Ha ha.

Yeah, we've got the dual action mentioning going. Way to get the post out earlier, too. :)

I guess I'm the only one who needs some sort of a plan to keep on task. Which is awfully strange, because I haven't relied heavily on daily tallies to keep myself on task in the past.

I'll just echo what you said regarding your efforts in commenting. When people see someone take a genuine interest in their work, they typically respond, and they become curious about what you're doing. Connections are made and the byproduct is greater rewards.

Such a simple thing, but it really works. :)

I figured after being gone for a while that I should try to get the post out sooner. Didn't really have any excuses.

Hey, as long as you know what you need to do to keep on track to accomplishing your goals, then you're good. I don't have set goals about how many comments I make. I aim to be in the top 10 of the Engagement League, but if I don't hit a certain number of comments or something, that's ok for me.

Many things in life are so simple, we just have to do them repeatedly, and they'll make a big impact.

Very true. "By small and simple things, great things come to pass." Or something like that.

I just learned that my brain thinks I'm doing awesome when the actual results show otherwise, so to avoid thinking I've done such marvelous work, when I haven't, I needed to keep track.

The only real goal I have right now is to get to that 50,000 point mark, which means I need to get some serious commenting done, as well as keep the CL up. I don't know how the formula works, but I'm guessing, based on past results, that I need to over 250,000 CL with a correspondingly higher comment count to get there.

What happens after that is out of my hands, right? I can't control who replies to my comments, what they say back, if they upvote or not, if they end up following and taking an interest in what I do into the future. I can only do what I can do, and let the chips fall where they may.

I don't know the whole formula either. Ok, I don't know any of it. I just know the factors. I don't self-vote so I avoid the negative points. I try to give out lots of votes for things. I also try to leave informed comments on lots of posts, but it's difficult to get the points up sometimes. I hope you can get the 50,000 point mark though. That would be fun to see. We'd have to make you a cake or something for that accomplishment.

At the end of the day, if you're enjoying it, I think that's better than metrics. Unless metrics are the goal, in which case, get to earning. ;)

Can't remember who I've told this to, it may well have been you, so if I'm repeating myself, tell me—I tend to enjoy meeting and surpassing my previous attempts. It's the only competition I allow myself to have anymore, between me and me. So, I have lots of fun with the interacting, the learning, the meeting people I would never meet otherwise, and I also have fun trying to reach for something that hasn't been done before. So, the metrics are part of the enjoyment.

I've decided that if I pay way less attention to how I'm doing and more attention to how I'm adding value to other people's posts and comments, meaning comments and curation, then the rewards will come and I feel better about what I'm doing here all around. Because it's not just about me. Go figure. :)

Happy to have you back Blondie :) ... thanks for giving me your secrets too, I really enjoy knowing them so that I can learn from one of the best!

Glad to be back. Happy to share my secrets. The more people who know and can effectively use the secrets, the better Steemit will get. You're one of the best though! Networking Master. :)

I agree that sharing the secrets will further the community building which will eventually be important! I'm happy to be on your team and glad you had a nice trip too :)

Hey, I'm glad to be on your team. I think I commented on your "Bee Kind" footer and that's how we got started, but I'm glad we connected. Keep up the good work. :)

I don't have a set number of comments that I try to do per day. It's normally just based on what time and energy I have available.

I do the same, when i have time, which is usually when i'm on holidays i spend almost every hour of the day just reading and commenting other people content! When i have to study, like i lately had i just stick to 2 or 3 people, sometimes i don't even comment anyone's content tbh, quality is much more important than quantity, i can't understand those people that just comment 1 phrase and that's it, and even worse are the spammers!

Good to see you are taking some breaks to enjoy life! Wish i had the time, i have 1 week vacation and then 1 full month of exams after exams, i'll probably be almost gone for 1 full month :(

Sorry to hear you're so slammed with exams and such. I hope you're able to get a break once you're done. It's important to have time just to relax and recharge. Thanks for stopping by. I'm honored to be one of the few to get a comment from you! :)

Commenting is definately the best way i have found of interacting.. some would say discord ...but i don't use..

Discord is probably a little easier to use because it's more of a chat room, but commenting is the best way to comment on a specific post or idea. If someone is writing about commenting in their post, it is a little more difficult for them to follow if 10 people are commenting in Discord about it (along with other things). You can also get upvotes on your comments. You can't in Discord.

Hi @themanwithnoname

I like your approach towards commenting and building engagement with your followers.

Let me suggest something that may help your readers a lot. You should justify your posts.

The difference will be huge. Just like on picture below:

You can find it explained quite well here:

Post is already a bit to old to upvote :(

Yours, Piotr

Hi again @themanwithnoname

Just checked your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)

In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

I will follow you closely :) Take care, Piotr

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll have to test it out. Thanks for stopping by! :)

you have a great attitude... it's good of you to be so helpful others .. I don't have a set amount of comments I make- heck I've been so busy lately I've barely been able to write sany blog posts and its costing me votes .. still... i try to jump in when I can and support those who have been there for me. It's cool that you set a goal of 10 per day - goals help to keep us focused.

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