May 30 Days Writing Challenge - Day Twenty Five: What’s Your Favorite Posting Platform for Steemit (busy, dTube, eSteem, etc)?

in #challenge30days6 years ago (edited)

I am happy to announce that from know on I will be participating in various writing challenges. The reason for this being that I feel the need to write, but am unsure of what to write. This is day twenty five of the 30 day May writing challenge.

If you don't know what this challenge is about, please have a look at the introduction post.

Day Twenty Five: What’s Your Favorite Posting Platform for Steemit (busy, dTube, eSteem, etc)?

I'll keep this first post short.

My favorite posting platform is I got used to it and, honestly, it's the only one I have ever used. I never thought of making videos so dTube wasn't even an option.

Anyway I'm glad I discovered this challenge and I hope it will get me into the habit of writing often. I know it's almost the end, but I look forward to joining new ones.

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