TV - Programming - A Brutal Weapon

in #challenge30days7 years ago (edited)

TV of an Enemy - Part I

Saturday afternoon. I negotiate my way in a crowded street. Suddenly, I am overwhelmed by a powerful, negative aura approaching me. It's coming from someone moving toward me.

Dark eyes. Hate radiates in pulses from her. My heart cringes! MUST avoid close proximity at all cost. Or, I will be physically ill. Right then and there. Must avoid, must avoid, must avoid!

I know instinctively, it has nothing to do with my OCD. And then...

this happens:

A person in front of me joins the pedestrian flow, just exiting a X-rated movie joint. He is walking at approximately the same speed as I do. I have to STOP to put greater distance between him and I. Freeze!... my tracks - to clear my surroundings of that unwholesome influence. After a few seconds.... I breathe in deeply. Good. I observantly continue, moving forward again.

Everything has its origin in the spiritual.

Even the Bible speaks to this fact:

Sometimes, I catch a glimpse of certain people on TV, most likely in an airport.

Yeah, the airport... ✈

You see, I don't own a TV anymore...
I threw them out. All of them!

Still, even at home, I happen to be confronted with souls online that send shivers down my spine. Honestly, has this happened to you yet?

But back to the TV...

I do not own one, nor do I want one. Most amazingly - I do not miss them.

Having had bought a larger than needed house 10 years ago, there was a TV in every room. I even considered installing one in each bathroom. You know, for watching in the shower and the rest of it. Seriously. Top 5 🌟 hotels offer that comfort. Now, the house is gone, too.

But back to creepies on the streets. 👾 And on TV... 📺

As much as I wouldn't invite some of the bad-aura folks into my house to spoil my appetite, why would you want them in your house, around your children -- in person -- or on screen?

Their vibes, ignorance and nefarious intention are not less potent on TV than they are if they were in my house, sitting across from me.

Yet, is this not exactly what we do when we turn on the boob tube at home?

And we are inviting unsavory people into our living room...

Consuming their ideas...

Feasting on their poison - falling into the trap of their manipulation...

Would you consciously invite them to share their lives with you? Would you (really?) marry them, spending countless hours a day with them?

Is this not what we do, TV blaring?

It's too high a price to pay. 💰

You think, wouldn't you?

How much TV are you watching? In how much of their lives are you existing in?

A fantasy - unfulfilling...

These people that you wouldn't want to be near at a party, these fine people have hijacked your life, your spirit, yes, even your soul. So that our own lives are not ours any longer - as long as we watch mainstream TV.


What Toll does the deadly box has on your family? On your kids? 🚸

We trust that shows on TV are safe to watch for our little ones, too.

Children's Programming in Progress. Progressive indeed.

Their tender impressionable minds saturated with concepts and ideas that we would not condone in the real world. Yet, this is as real as it gets! A clear and present Danger.

What are your little ones watching, while we float in the illusion that they are safe 🔐 , not getting into mischief, watching innocent cartoons? 🤡 What are your little ones watching today? On a Sunday morning? When have we last sat together at the table - talking, without some TV voice talking beneath us?

It's evening. He is over there, snoring, sacked into the recliner. She is in the kitchen, or, if lucky, curled up on the couch that was meant for two.

How many marriages end up with noisy boredom food to kill their unfulfilled life style in front of their TVs?

How many once loving couples lethargically fall asleep without giving the person that they once loved a single caring thought, a passionate ⚡ kiss? When was the last time you have enjoyed quietness? Together.

serenity at my desk @globocop

In Conclusion...

Brainwaves 🌊


Consuming TV show after show is taking away who we are. We are getting lazy, lethargic and depressed.

It happened to me. For a time...


Feeling inferior, watching top models and talents, yet forgetting the mirror in the bathroom. My own talents, and God.

It is proven that listening, rather than watching, engages our brains in much more active ways. It encourages us to develop our own thoughts, rather then being redirected by the flicker frequencies of the TV into a brainwave Alpha State.


People in Alpha are in a highly relaxed state, significantly more receptive to a suggestion, whatever its nature may be:

Overt or Subconscious.

Why is that?

Alphas represent our intuition. They are generated usually when our eyes are closed or when we are day dreaming. Our learning ability is greatly enhanced in alpha. It's a perfect programming state. Hypnosis. By design. Intentionally!

Easily Broken

And while we are consuming the joys of Television, we are consumed by it. Our kids, marriage, relationships, our bodies, minds and souls:


Thank you for Reading!

Coming Up - Part - II

It's all about Vibes - The Frequency of Television

The Enjoyable Coma

Join me next time, as we explore together the physiological and psychological impact of TV Frequencies.

We will look into research conducted by the CIA and other alphabet soup agencies...

...and how these studies are used for PROGRAMMING.

That TV - it gives us comfort, shelter, a warm feeling of security, and soothing memories of a care free childhood, happiness. Illusions, designed from keeping those who consume it from reaching their potential - successfully...


ch @globocop

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I don't watch much "programming" these days. spend more time researching, reading history and learning new things in life and reading great post like this!

Thanks @buster544
Way to go! Appreciate the upvote and resteem! 😎

ch @globocop

Best post I read on steemit that far... - and nothing but the truth spelled precisely!

During my three years of meditation, watching TV was impossible; I could feel it sucking my energy. It's just as you've written:

"TV is eating us alive!"

Just as alcohol... - sugar... - fake news... - politicians held on puppet strings... -

Nature is the best and most wise stimulus we have and it's there just for free!


Hey @zoopra - was just thinking where you were yesterday! Hope all is well on your end?

Good to see you! You're doing well on Steemit. Good on you!

Thanks for your great comment. I couldn't have stated the experience you mentioned any better.
One of these days - in deepest country side - surrounded by nature's beauty - and writing only.

Have a good weekend my friend!

PS:// Glad you were able to sort the wallet issues you described in your last post. Thanks for the upvote here.

-ch @globocop


This isn't directed at a personal level. I do understand that in many households - there would be a revolt if the TV goes.

However, evaluating What to Watch more critically is a step in the right direction. Just reading this info gives perhaps a different perspective than the one we had before.


Oh, I had no doubt that it wasn't directed personally. It's just painful to see so much of myself in this post.

I don't have any steem power to upvote this or I would!

No worries @thedonfreeman Much appreciate your appreciation. 😎

This post gets a 46.04 % upvote thanks to @globocop - Hail Eris !

This post has received a 3.34 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @globocop.

I agree largely, even wrote a post:

The TV industry is not made to inform but to grab attention, mainly to refocus that attention to ads. That sums up its whole purpose.
That was the first version, it is like aspirin compared to the attention industry on the internet which is more like oxycodone.

You have to be conscious of how TV was overtly present and easier to identify as a time waster.
Our digital devices are much more insidious in claiming our attention:
try installing rescue time to track how much time you spend, and most importantly what you spend your time on when you are online. It might surprise you

I think digital addiction is one of the most underestimated health hazards out there Simon Sinek says it well starts to take about the digital aspects @2:31

Thanks for your thoughts, my friend. I have responded in the original post you referred to. 😎

PS:// I can easily survive without internet/computer. I may not be Steeming - but heck - I have wall full of books I haven't even read yet.

Good on ya!
I just wanted to mention this because you see this with some people who proudly declare that they are no longer a "slave" to the TV but in the next breath are able to tell you every plot twist of the next zombie apocalypse series...

This is a great post.

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