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RE: What’s Your Favorite Posting Platform for Steemit (busy, dTube, eSteem, etc)? What do you use for your Ulogs

So, vlogging, eh? Anything in the works you care to share, or is it all hush hush top secret stuff?

I'm just not much for getting in front of the camera. I've done it, and I'm okay at it, but for me, words and images will always be better.

I think part of it is, proper editing of things is very time consuming, and since there's no one else but me to do it, it just gets to be a bit much to come up with the ideas, script them out in some fashion, prep for the shoot, shoot the shoot, then edit.

I suppose that simpler is better, which generally means someone in their room rambling on about something. I'm not going to be your demographic for such things, though, so no need to listen to me. :)


I want to try vlogging too but the quality of the video is compromised in the editing and conversion process. I probably need to use something with higher quality camera.

Yeah yuo will need to have at least 720 and then you will need to compress it further when you upload to either dtube or dlive.

Youtube automatically compresses so sometimes dtubers tell to upload it to youtube and then download and then reupload to the steem blockchain.

I guess 480p is fine if all you're trying to do is look at in the small screen. But if it ends up coming in worse than that, then there's a problem.

I suppose it all boils down to resources and storage space, but there's also something called, "good enough." And good enough is not usually the resolution that we had at the start of the 21st century for most things. It would be at least 720p. So, I don't know. It will interesting to see how quickly things can upgrade and improve, especially if there's issues with further compression, editing and conversion.

It seems there is a lot more to explore there. I took videos that I believe were more than 720p but it is on the conversion and editing part that some are lost in the process.

Oh I have been shooting a lot of footage and me just talking about stuff. Then been talking to some people who are regular dlive content creators and giving me some tips so looking to unlock the Video Editing badge hahaha.

Yeah the editing and then the rendering takes a long time and is harder than it looks like hahahha/ I don't have scripts yet as I only have talking points .

That is sad if you will not be a fan of my spoken work lol,

I can read faster than what most people ramble at (which is what people tend to do if it's not well scripted or otherwise rehearsed), so i feel like I'm wasting time waiting for people to get to the point.

And I've seen some vloggers also basically write out what they vlogged about, so you catch the folks who want to watch the video, and the ones who want to read. Some summarize, hitting the main points, others basically go point for point. So, I won't necessarily skip the vlogs if I have something I can read, or if the videos are shorter than 3 minutes. :)

And I know at least one individual who regularly uses DTube to post where he insists he makes more when he includes the spoken word than when he doesn't.

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