RE: It's actually not a brain orgasm.
I can't agree more! There was a time when I annoyed my mother to no end because she would only see me with my laptop open and fingers flying!!!
I couldn't go anywhere without it because the ideas were flowing and my characters were speaking nonstop to me to have their story told!
The problem now is.... I had an idea for a story... and I wrote down the first chapter before really knowing which path to take. And now... the thought of delivering that second chapter is a little bit pre-mature, until I'm sure of exactly where I want to go! :)
And for years, I was a stay at home mom that could take a few hours away from teaching and write at just about any time in the day.
And now, for the first time in a long time, I'm constrained by a job that requires my mind and my attention for an 8 hour (or more) block and it's a serious crimp in my flow for writing ;)
But on one of my blogs I state "Read a book, change your world. Write a book, create a world!" So like you.... I can't wait to get back to world building ;)
Right now I am creating an even more important world than what I could possibly write... I am creating the future of the actual world we live in as I raise my kids. How I treat them and take care of them will literally change the world for good or bad. This is an amazing and exhausting experience, but I intend to see happy, well-adjusted adults in about 15-20 years. That takes a lot of energy, and takes time away from writing. But it's worth it. My characters will keep for a little longer, my kids won't.
Could not agree more :)
We made some very strong decisions early on that go against what society says is the "norm".
But it was all about what was best for our treasures :)
They are still our treasures... but definitely in the more independent -but not adult stage.... so this year we were able to make some huge changes and I returned to work.
(After mannnnnny years) lol
But I've been absolutely blessed to get hired on a peach of a job that allows me to work from home. And still be near our kids :) ( the work can be extremely stressful but figuring g out that balance... )
Big plans for the future of our family... excited to watch it unfold one step at a time. But constantly aware of the influence everything has on our home.
Loving our mini chats in comments :)