First Lesson Learned & CHAINCOIN

in #chaincoin7 years ago

Well, it happened. Like I said in an earlier post, I will document my journey through the cryptocurrency space.

For those who don't know who I am. My name is Mo. I am relatively new to the cryptocurrency world. Couple of weeks of experience, watching charts, buying high, selling low, huge FOMO, and the list goes on and on.


I stumbled upon a community representing this drastic new idea. Buy this coin called ChainCoin. Once, you gather 1000 coins you can create this "node" thing called a MasterNode. I had no idea what I was looking at, sounded technical, so I passed over it.

I put a decent amount of money into a company called TenX, and lost some money during the initial ICO and hype phase. The community seems great, great project, great team but I didn't do myself justice by putting all the research in. I jumped out and took a loss.

The same day I came across the ChainCoin community again, and all they said was to buy and hodl chaincoins. So I decided I would try and do the same. If you haven't been paying attention to CHC, it is currently exploding. I bought and sold, which the community does not recommend. Being so new into the world, I learned my lesson. I took a loss of around 200 CHC. Currently, those coins would be worth $300. I trust this community, over the past couple of days that have done everything they have promised. There are some early adopters who keep everything stable. I'd like to thank @zedomax for introducing this coin into my world. I've nearly doubled my investment and now I am scurrying to finish my MasterNode.

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The node is currently worth around $1k/year residual income once you have set everything up. At the current price of $1.3USD/CHC you should expect to receive an income of $3 per day. Now, as the price of the CHC goes up, the money you receive will also rise. As this coin reaches the $10 mark. You will be earning $20/day. If the coin reaches a price point of $100, which seems likely, you will be earning $200/day. You would be earning a passive income of $73,000USD.

So with that being said, I have glad to have experienced all the emotions and failures over the past couple of days, but I have learned so much about this market. I have learned when to look away from the computer and enjoy life. I've learned to trust and just HODL. So this is my current adventure in this crypto world and I can't wait to continue learning even more about all new companies and currencies that will be rising over the next months and years!

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Remember I lost 200 coins.. 200CHC @ $1.61 = $322 IN MISSED OPPORTUNITY. LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES.

Not giving financial advise in any way. But if you do buy ChainCoin. Buy whatever you can, whenever you can, don't sell, and DO NOT SELL.

Cheers All,
Mo ✌🏼