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RE: ChainCoin (CHC) - Upward from here - Never Sell Just HODL!

in #chaincoin7 years ago

I certainly applaud some of the intention and hope behind this movement however a lot of the phrasing and ideas in this post are precisely why I remain skeptical on chaincoin.

A lot of the views and predictions for the future seem to be based on blind faith rather than a plan of work, or any analysis. (this opinion is based on what I've seen elsewhere as well not just in this post)
This sentence for example "If we control most of the coins and HODL, price will rise inevitably, demand will be big but supply low.", is assuming there is some intrinsic value/worth in the coin that will automatically attract a huge demand from 'normal' users. At the moment though there are few (if any) real world applications for this coin, and no one seems to be proactive on this front, therefore I think this movement would be much better served by developing and implementing ways people can actually use the coins, rather than endlessly focusing on the current price , 'building walls' on the exchange and repeating "HODL" over and over.

At the moment the only demand seems to be from HODLers and speculators. And ok that's fine for now, but that demand will quickly dry up if real uses for this coin do not emerge.
The price is simply the equilibrium between what people are willing to sell for and what people will buy for. There seems to be a view of many in this group that if they simply hoover up all the coins and don't sell then this limit on supply will mean the price is automatically high. This isn't how supply and demand works, there needs to be more demand (other than theirs) from end users. Otherwise they are just pushing money between themselves and cannibalising their own group without even realising it.

If real world uses do not emerge the demand from HODLers will run out, and if there is no influx of new demand the coins will be worth a fraction of what was paid for them.


Just because the Digital Currency/Token market is saturated doesn't make the features of smaller coins any less useful, and therefore any less valuable. This coin has a few of the most crucial, needed, and popular features, and wasn't just created out of thin air. Its intrinsic value is derived from its use cases, look them up. This coin has so much to offer, anything else is conjecture.

I didn't say smaller coins are not valuable or don't have their own uses (steem for example which we are using now), and I wasn't saying CHC won't have some use/value in future.
My point was that from what I read in this post and what I've seen on message boards the focus does not seem to be on developing these uses, but rather on a sort of 'if you hodl it, they will come' attitude.
Perhaps you could link to any current uses? All I could find was a couple of sales listings on cryptopia marketplace.
Again I'm not saying it won't have uses in future, just that those are what need to be worked on before anyone other than hodlers or speculators are interested.
Is there something this coin does that no other coin does? If so people should be pushing that as a plus! I haven't heard any of that though, most of what I've seen has been focused on the current price.
"HODL til 1000,-USD" is not a business plan. And maybe there is a great plan people are working on, I just haven't seen that yet.
I'm very happy to be corrected though if that is the case and hope it works out for the people involved.

I really think your are mixing the two concepts into one….The ChainCoinHodlers group is separate from the ChainCoin. ChainCoin is the product with features, and the Chaincoinhodlers are part of the community, but are not the whole community.

This community is Promoting all the Benefits and Features of the ChainCoin blockchain, while at the same time demonstrating a different strategy of “buy and hold”, in order to give the coin stability and longevity, not just turn around at the first sign of a profit and sell off. This also benefits most users as they don’t have to be “day trading” maybe making a 1-2% profit 10 times a day.

Im not sure what your point is, because you do agree ChainCoin does have some intrinsic value. You said, (Quote)“…and I wasn’t saying CHC won’t have some use/value in future.” So because CHC isn’t used for payment at restaurants and shops, physical or online, it fall under the label “worthless” or “scam?” That would then make almost every other Altcoin or ICO worthless.

ChainCoin is essentially DASH but not Premined and distributed to the developers, in an unfair manner.
DASH actually built its algorithm, X11, off of the CHC C11 Algorithm.
InstantSend, allows users to send tokens instantly and with no fee.
PrivateSend allows for the transaction to be processed with no personal information or metadata to track.
MasterNodes help run these services, while at the same time retaining a 45% reward from found blocks.
Im not sure how you don’t see a plan here……Its pretty obvious. Please do your research.
Heres one great link for you to learn whatever you need about the actual coin.

I just read up on the Dash instamine/premine after you mentioned it. Very interesting read, thanks.

I'm not sure why you have the words "worthless" and "scam" in quotation marks as I didn't use either of those words once. Furthermore I do not believe it's either of those things.
Also I did not say CHC has intrinsic value now as you suggest, I merely said that I didn't say it won't have value in future, as you seemingly inferred something which was clearly not implied by me in your previous reply.
There's really no need to misquote me, I'm happy to clarify anything I've said if I wasn't clear.

However you're right my ""HODL til 1000,-USD" is not a business plan. " comment does make it sound like I'm conflating the coin project itself with the hodlers and it is important to note they are separate as you say. That was just a poor choice of phrases by me as I should have made it more clear that I was specifically talking about the arguments in the original post with that comment not the coin development itself.
The point I was actually trying to make is that buying and holding a coin (or anything else for that matter) doesn't give it retained value by itself. It may well drive the price up while people are buying it to hold of course and will (hopefully) as you say give it some stability for a certain amount of time, but it doesn't automatically give it retained value as the original post suggested.

I have actually read the roadmap before, and there's some good stuff in there (though I do see similar things on many coins roadmaps obviously). It might go great, in which case good luck to everyone involved.

I think you're slightly misreading my point as I'm not against the coin project itself, I just don't get some of the 'logic' used in the original post and that I've seen elsewhere with regards to value, price, 'whales', supply/demand and trading in general, and don't agree with some of the statements made in the original post.

If you're right though and the roadmap comes to fruition, uses materialise and 'normal' users start to buy in, then everyone who's bought in early and hodl'ed will certainly reap the benefits of their faith. And if this does happen it will be because of good work done by the developers.

It's certainly one to keep an eye on I think. And good luck to all who are getting in now.

I am totally in agreement with you in that "Hodling" itself does not create actual retained value, and it may, in fact, artificially raise prices.

However, in my opinion, the features of this coin will speak for themselves and the price will follow. Good luck to you on your future endeavors.