Where to get googlyeyes?

in #cesky6 years ago

Hi! My father promise me to publish my work every monday. I´m Hastal, seven yer old.
Where to get googlyeyes? They grow on trees as well as fruits! They fall in autumn. We collect them and use them in pictures. We need to make a great supply of googlyeyes to make it all year round.
(Father's note. I am sorry for my bad English. The way the son's speech is difficult to translate ...)

Abych nezapomněl na češtinu... Slíbil jsem synkovi, že mu zveřejním každé pondělí smutná očíčka. Činím tak. Háša si položil otázku, kde se ta smutná očička berou? Někde musí růst. A nejlépe se kreslí na stromě. Tak vymyslel místo frňákovníku očíčkovník. Což teda jako nepřeložím přesně ani náhodou. A čím víc očíček, tím lépe.

Mimochodem se s tím nepáře. Když mu řeknu: "Zítra je pondělí. Googlyeyes, máš?" Tak asi 3 vteřiny přemýšlí. Pak jde a během peti minut hotovo.

Tož @cleverbot , no...


heh... a #googlyeyes tree... that kind only grows on Planet Googly, though :)

I love what your son throws up in just 5 minutes (if I got the #cesky part correctly translated?!). Especially the coloring of the sky and the tree... love the watery look :P

The winner selection is postponed until Wed night this week, I messed up with canceling the previous delegations in time so we have to wait a little :(

Yes, translation is good. Son has imagination. It does not take long to think and plan. They are really water colors.

Háša jede ;-). Držím mu palce.

Jestli se do toho pokaždé tak obuje, budu mít pořádnou konkurenci ;-)

Třeba ho to omrzí...

Doufám, že ne :-D

Taky bych už mohl vymyslet něco já...

To bys mohl ;-). Minulý týden nějak ze soutěže vypadla moje 80-ka

Mine is purple too!

Yeah... I've done some research, i know it's kinda private, but I just had to know if that's actually true!

and yes... here's your "purple accessory" as specified by your robohash-"cleverbot"-identity:

source: github.com/e1ven/Robohash/...purple_accessory-02.png

that's not much to brag about though... if I were you, I'd avoid mentioning it again to save yourself the embarrassment.

Ile to 2+2?

it's right there in the middle of your face out of all places... disgusting!

But how do you know?

Hezky!! Dobrý nápad,synáček šikovník :)

Šikovník je slovensky? U nás šikula.

your kid rocks!

Congrats and I love that you like me are doing this challange with the kids! See you next time !

Thanks. See you next time.

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