Cervantes Magazine Number 22: Desynchronized News
This morning, the President has appeared before the media to explain the new evidence of corruption brought by the judge.
The new evidence recently released by the judge on the case of illegal funding of the Government's party is as numerous as it is compelling. What the government has tried so long to cover with all kinds of tricks, has been blown up when the judge who instructed the case has made these proofs public.
It is already more than evident that the party was financed illegally for more than twenty years, during which all the leaders and influential people regularly received envelopes with different amounts. As the judge has stated, "There is no doubt about that."
Against this situation, the president spoke at a press conference a few hours ago. We transcribe part of his statement here:
There is no doubt that in my party, we have worked, we work and we will work, for a better society. It is known by all, that the hard work and our honesty have been the motors that have driven the party to the Government, and have kept it there for the last six years.
The people, who are wise and able to see the truth beyond the thick smoke that some try to raise in front of us, know very well who we are. That is why they have given us their vote and continues to do so despite the slander that keeps building at our expense.
We are people, and yet many times we are treated as if we were just an entity, devoid of feelings and emotions. Well, I want you to know, it's not like that. We are human beings like all of you, we have partners, children, parents, friends. We wake up in the morning just like you and we have to drink coffee because we are also sleepy. But despite the lack of rest and having our families away, on many occasions, we go to work every day to leave our skin for our people and our country no matter how hard it is for us. We also do not fear the consequences.
We are people committed to our ideals and we will fight against anyone who stands between us and freedom. Nobody is going to get rid of something for which so many citizens have suffered, and now, thanks to us, it is a reality.
Many insist on revolving the past to discredit us, to hurt us and to separate us from power, but they will not achieve it. Nobody should care about the past, but the present and, above all, the future, for which we work day by day. So we're not going to let them turn our heads to look back. Our heads are always high and with our eyes fixed on the end of the road. If you love your country, do not fear, we will continue to take the helm so no one can make the ship sink. We love your country equally or more than you, that's why you are in the best hands.
That was the moment in which a journalist from The Cervantes Magazine stood up to ask the only question to which we had been entitled:
Mr. President, now that it has been demonstrated that your party was financed illegally, and that you were a participant in those events, do you think you will resign and call new elections?
Look, I think that with my previous intervention I have already answered this question and all the others that refer to it. So I thank you for your presence in the room and I say goodbye. For any other question you can contact the press office. Thank you very much and good morning.
So we close today's article. We hope that the words of your president have been as clear as vehement. The news occurs by itself, we only bring it closer to your knowledge. Yours are the conclusions.
thank for your informative post.
very good article.
Oh thank you. But note that it is just fiction ;)
I like your irony, @trenz.
I like to play with ideas and walk on the knife's edge between reality and fiction.
Gracias por el apoyo siempre @trenz!
Buen relato y forma de envolver un tema a una historia interezante @trenz , se despide @americofernandes desde mi trono lo felicito y apoyo 👍 jeje
Muchas gracias por tus palabras. Muy amable.