Isco, futbolista malagueño, elegido MVP del partido de hoy contra Marruecos, muy buen partido de Marruecos por cierto, pero hemos pasado primero de grupo, ISCO, este tio ha sido el mejor del partido y es un orgullo saber que es de Málaga, un tío humilde, sencillo, y sobre todo un mago del fútbol, es el heredero de Iniesta sin ánimos de comparar pero es el que va a tirar del carro a partir de ahora en la seleccion, viva Isco, viva la seleccion española y viva la deportividad . Saludos a todos.
Isco, Malaga player, chosen MVP of today's match against Morocco, very good match of Morocco by the way, but we have gone first group, ISCO, this guy has been the best of the game and it is a pride to know that it is from Malaga, a Uncle humble, simple, and above all a magician of football, is the heir of Iniesta without the courage to Isco, Malaga player, chosen MVP of today's match against Morocco, very good match of Morocco by the way, but we have gone first group, ISCO, this guy has been the best of the game and it is a pride to know that it is from Malaga, a humble man, simple, and above all a magician of football, is the heir of Iniesta without the courage to compare but he is the one who will pull the car from now on in the selection, live Isco, live the Spanish team and live the sportsmanship . Greetings to all but he is the one who will pull the car from now on in the selection, live Isco, live the Spanish team and live the sportsmanship . Greetings to all
Isco y 10 más, así ha sido. Es un grande
Y encima Malaguita eh @danihueso?