Venezuela: Un Lugar Sin Economía - A Place With No Economy (Bilingual Post)

in #cervantes5 years ago (edited)


En el post "viviendo en la oscuridad" (Versión en español), mencione la inexistente economía en Venezuela. La gente y algunos "expertos" dicen que la economía de la región está destruida. ¿Pero cómo puedes destruir algo que no existe?

"¿Y dónde está el cadáver?", se preguntara alguna persona.

La economía de Venezuela murió en el período del anterior dictador cuando comenzó a echar a todos los inversionistas, cerro empresas productivas y establecio un control económico que termino por enviar a la gente a la época medieval. Fue entonces cuando la economía murió, y el cuerpo permaneció allí durante algunos años hasta que se convirtió en polvo, y hasta que desapareció cada vestigio.

Voy a detallar algunos hechos que muestran que no hay economía en absoluto. Seré muy claro y directo.

Las acciones de personas incompetentes y corruptas

¿Cómo puede alguien que se supone que debe gobernar una región despertarse una mañana y decir: "Muy bien, ahre lo que me han ordenado (recuerden que Venezuela es gobernado por cuba). Hoy, le eliminaré tres ceros de la moneda nacional."

Esto es absurdo. No se puede hacer. ¿Dónde está la legalidad detrás de esto? ¿Cómo vas a protegerte del tsunami que provocará este movimiento? ¿Y el mercado internacional? Bueno, esto ya no importa. El bolívar, una de las tantas versiones, fue sacado de los mercados internacionales hace muchos años.

Es por eso que todo cuesta más cada día en la calle. La gente colocan precios a la comida y medicina como les apetece. Cada día hay un nuevo precio. Es una situación caótica que parecía que nunca terminara.


Lamentablemente, la gente piensa que lo que necesitan es un aumento sin darse cuenta de que tal cosa hara subir los precios nuevamente. Ellos ven las consecuencias cada vez que hay un aumento, y aun así insisten en pedirlos.

La mayoría de los ciudadanos piensan que la economía es justo el precio que tienen que pagar por un artículo en una tienda. Eso no es economia. Todavía piensan que la bolsa de valores no tienen que ver con nada en sus vidas.

Esta auto-impuesta ignorancia ha estado asentándose en sus mentes, con la contribución, por supuesto, de los dictadores y sus secuaces, facilitando el control de las personas como consecuencia. Cuando la mente está nublada, las sombras de la ignorancia reinan por todas partes.

Todavía hay personas que creen que lo que necesitan es un aumento, incluso sabiendo que al día siguiente los precios volverán a subir. Este es un problema cultural. La gente necesita ser educada adecuadamente. Y por más duro que suena, es inevitable. Están en una trampa y no lo saben. Y no habrá escapatoria hasta que logren comprender algunos conceptos básicos para que asi no se dejen humillar y maltratar.

Mientras tanto, los corruptos se aprovechan de ello y hacen lo unico que saben hacer. ¡¡¡Robar!!!

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English Version

In the post "living in the darkness" (English Version), I mentioned about the nonexistent economy in Venezuela. People and some "experts" say that the economy of the region is destroyed. But how can you destroy something that doesn't exist?

"Where is the corpse," I ask myself.

The economy of Venezuela died on the period of the late dictator when he started to kick off all the investors, shutting down productive companies and establishing an economic control that just sent people back to medieval times. That was when the economy died, and the body stayed there for some years until it became powder, until it vanished every vestige of it.

I'm going to detail some facts that show that there's no economy at all. I will be very clear and straight to the point.

The actions of incompetent and corrupt people

How can someone who is supposed to rule a region wake up some morning and say, "Alright, I'm going to do what I've been told (Remember that Venezuela is not a sovereign place. It's ruled by Cuba - An invader). Today, I will knock three zeros off ailing currency."

That's absurd. It cannot be done. Where is the legality behind it? How are you going to shield yourself from the tsunami this silly movement will provoke. And what about the international market? Well, this doesn't matter any more. The bolivar currency - one of those versions - was kicked out of the markets many years ago.

That's why everything cost more every day on the street. People price their products how they like. Every day it's a new price. It's a chaotic situation that seems like an endless time loop.


Sadly, people think that what they need is a raise without realizing that such thing will make prices get worse. They see the consequences whenever there's is a raise, and even so they insist on getting raises.

Most of the citizens think that the economy is just the price they have to pay for an item at any store. That's not economy. They still think that the stock and other markets doesn't have to do with anything in their lives.

This auto-imposed ignorance has been settling in their minds, with the contribution of course, from the dictators and his crooks. It makes easier to control the people that way. When the mind is clouded, the shadows of ignorance reign all over.

There are still people believing that what they need is a raise, even knowing that the following day the prices are going be up again. This is a cultural problem. People need to be educated properly. And as hard as it sounds, it is inevitable. They're in a trap and they don't know it. And there's not going to be escape until they learn basic concepts.

Meanwhile, the corrupts are taking advantage of it and doing only what they know. Steal!!!


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"""Todavía hay personas que creen que lo que necesitan es un aumento, incluso sabiendo que al día siguiente los precios volverán a subir. Este es un problema cultural."""

Tienes mucha razón con eso!!!

To cut 3 (or more) zeroes on an hyper-inflated currency is quite normal.
I would strongly recommend widening your horizon. As a strating point you could watch this:

and btw.: Venezuela's education system is one of the best world-wide!

When I hear inputs like yours, there's one question that comes up to my mind. Is this person a useful fool, or just an opportunist? I think you should pick one.

Anyway, it's illegal not only what they did with the currency, but also with what they do every day in the poor region.

All the monetary system there is a farce. There's no legality behind it. There haven't been any reports from the national bank since years. It's just mob dealers controlling the whole region.

And just praising Venezuela's education (The worst in the continent) makes everything coming from you zero value.

look at italian lira in the 80s
romanian lei in the 2000s

education on your continent is much better than un europe; sorry for you that you are still the worst on the continent, that's at least still better then e.g. germany.

being here on a crypto platform, I am surprised you call your monetary system a farce, as crypto shows that ALL monetary systems are.

read back your first line to yourself.

I guess you won't answer.

Now I know in which category you are: "An useful fool" based on your hatred for capitalism or anything like it.

Here's a question for you, what don't you go live in Venezuela if you like it so much? Dear God, it's the same with you all.... You can go there, earning $4 per month, struggling to make it for day, praying not to catch a cold because that would be the end of you or your children if you have any (There's no antibiotics at all in Venezuela in case you weren't aware. which I positively think you weren't).

Speaking of children, do you know that there haven't been any classes since 2 months ago? Certainly, you don't know. Since the late dictator there have been to move forward students through the different levels no matter if they are qualified or not...

For your own sake, I don't recommend you to continue supporting the atrocities that are happening in Venezuela. You're gonna make a fool of yourself in front of your friends.

By the way, no-one is working this week there because the genocide ordered to (That's a way to please the group of parasites) The blackouts don't let anyone work, but where there's electricity (few hours daily), they don't work either.

How can a region prosper that way!!!

Capitalism is not the perfect paradigm to follow blindly. But thank God this world is not entirely ruled by communists and socialists which are the same breed. They are the Cancer of societies.

Thanks for your answer. And no, I don't want to live in Venezuela right now, and I am not doubting that you have problems, electricity outages and such.
I am just saying, that I am sceptic about the 'why' you describe. I think from your perspective it might look like outside forces like the US could play the role of a saviour, but statistics show that this never worked so far; rather the opposite, the US left each and every country they invaded to help in absolute shambles, and always took out the profits from oil or/and opiates.
You also miss no opportunitiy to vent your hate towards your government, and you exlusively use words that have been inherent to western propaganda for the last 15 years. I've seen the procedure in Egypt, in Ukraine, in Lybia and many more contries that were supposed to be saved by either NATO or the US.

So what I am saying: The problematic situation in your country is explained in the wrong way; the way that is in line with the US propaganda.

What I find remarkable about most exchanges between concerned Venezuelans with your narrative and sceptics is the fact that you don't look/listen at other perspectives (did you even have a short look at the video I sent?), that you are quick to start calling the other names, revert to impoliteness and in the end you all say: You don't live here, so you can't tell. This is empirically wrong, and also points out that you prefer to believe instead of questioning the information your believe is based on, and thus arrive at knowing eventually.

I will put a bit of effort into balancing this one sided narration, and invite others to share sceptic perspectives.

And btw., your hatred towards communism and socialism lacks any base. I don't mind as I am rather a capitalist. But one of the original idea of Keynes that states that the profit will flow back to the people/citizens/country. The problem with capitalism nowadays is the fact that the profits flow up to the top elites only.
So I tell you: Consider carefully what you wish for, because once it arrives you might realize that there's something completely different in that package. As I said, I've seen it.

Just by saying you don't want to go live in Venezuela just drift away any value you might say, if any. That's typical of you guys... Just like that group of people who called themselves "code pink". How hypocritical!

The problems with you guys, well one of many, is that you categorize people just because you aim to get this monstrous, pathetic ideology up to the power. But that's no going to happen. Top countries will embrace it. Their structures are solid, and you don't have the majority of people.

This movement you belong to is trying to rise to power just to suck countries from their resources because you are seeing what has happened in Venezuela... I mean, I understand that must be tempting for people who don't earn the food by work hard, and being productive.

But like I said, you will never achieve that in top countries.... oh, by the way, you think that the people of Venezuela are the owners of their own resources? How naive! Even a child could see it.

And about not listening to other perspectives, that's not necessary. Reality speaks by itself. And by the way, I don't want to convert you into anything. If you adore communism or socialism, which is the same cancer, it's all fine. But again, you should go live in one of those regions, and enjoy the suffering. Stand true to your convictions. Be an example of honesty and integrity to your loved ones. Win their respect as person of his word.

Now, apart from all his chat, I would like to enlighten you about something:

The dictator and his bang of crooks in Venezuela are not socialists or communists. They're just common thieves and murderers.

You speak about hatred. And yes, I hate anything and anyone that murder innocent people just like the world hated Hitler. And you do hate. You hate US and anything that looks like it. And then you side with other evil.

And about your twisted comparison between communism/socialism and capitalist, profits should never be distributed equally. Profits should be distributed according to the hard work from each person. That's deserving. No wonder why socialists are called bums. You all guys want to receive the same when you don't earn it.

In fact, it's a great relief, as I've previously mentioned, that the whole world is not ruled by this cancer.

I'm sorry to say, but that was not very informative ;)

You seem to be scared that I'm pushing an agenda, while I mostly ask for information and opinions, and complain about facts being ignored. From there it is quite natural that a certain skeptism arises.

I'm mostly trying to get a picture of what is going on, and the facts that are presented (by you, but also by people from the opposite) are contradicting each other massively. I never stated that I know the truth, NOT AT ALL, I'm just skeptic about your version, as well as the pseudo-liberal-anti-US one.

If you are propagating facts, but are not willing to discuss them, it's a pity. You obviously didn't even fully read my last comment, as is obvious by you still calling me a commi or socialist. Puts a smile on my face.

But then you make it clear by saying:

And about not listening to other perspectives, that's not necessary. Reality speaks by itself.

At least now I have a good quote for a good post, plus a reason to troll your posts.

So long & all the Best

That was just an example about saying a lot of empty words with no meaning at all. And I'm not scared. I'm just sad that another human being can be so naive.

And you couldn't read between lines. And if you felt offended when I called you socialist, I'm sorry. I didn't want to touch a nerve.

By the way, I didn't mean I don't listen to other's people's perspectives. You can't really read between lines, can you? It's so evident the reality about Venezuela... But I get it. You don't observe, you just see!

And if you say that you don't know the truth about what's happening in Venezuela, so what do you state things so firmly. Your friends might think that you talk without thinking.

Also, as you closed your last's meaningless input, you troll when you're cornered? or it's just a self-defense mechanism?

Anyway, this has been a great analysis about human stubbornness and stupidity. Chatting with you just confirmed that the hope on societies progress are fairy tales. Only thoughtful individuals and visionaries can achieve it.

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