The 10 most dangerous animals in the world
Hi steemit people
This time I come to bring you the 10 most dangerous animals in the world ... WE START !!
African lion. It has incredible speed, sharp claws and teeth to attack its prey. Hunting in groups and stalking their prey before attacking, running in gusts up to 80 km per hour 162Crocodile.
Crocodile. The saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile in the world. They are the most dangerous, killing hundreds of people a year 162Hippopotamus.
Hippopotamus. Hippos are generally found in Africa and are responsible for more human deaths on the continent than any other large animal. Male and female hippos tend to have different reasons for attacking Laura Bertola 162Grizzly.
Grizzly. Despite its enormous size, it can run at speeds up to 40 km per hour. The most common reason for a brown bear attack is for a female, fearing for her puppies 162Great white shark.
Great white shark. In most cases, after the initial bite, the shark will retreat, although unfortunately, that first bite can often kill a person Venson Kuchipudi 162The mosquito.
The mosquito. This little blood-sucking insect kills more than a million people every year around the world. It can spread diseases, especially malaria.Snake
Snake Inland Taipan, the most poisonous animal on land. The poison itself is composed of taipoxin, the name of the snake. This is one of the most potent natural toxins known, and stops brain communication with the muscles.jellyfish
Australian jellyfish. Most people survive an encounter with this jellyfish, but the pain is unbearable. It can stop the heart of a person or paralyze the person and cause drowning 162Cape Buffalo
Cape buffalo. It is extremely aggressive and unpredictable. It can weigh between 400 and 800 kilos, and with the exception of some solitary bulls, this bovine species is very gregarious 162Elephant
Elephant. Typically seen as friendly, elephants have sometimes been known to exhibit unpredictable behavior and attack without warning, killing 500 people a year.
Number 1....Humans.
You forgot one

buen post :D