The Dominant Tree-Specie
Talisai-gubat tree is native in the Philippines and can be found scattered in a well-drained locations of up to 1,000 meters in altitude.
In Initao-Libertad Protected Landscape and Seascape (Philippines) this giant tree is in domination.
The tree grows up to 45 meters tall, 75 cm., in diameter at breast-height. The trunk is totally straight with buttresses measures 2.5 meters high. It's bark-colored yellowish to reddish brown and flaky on surface.
The leaves are scattered along the twigs or often crowded towards the tips, it is thin, leathery and narrow.
It's timber is very durable and is used as furniture with any design.
Considered to be the tallest and the most dominant tree-specie in the Protected Area.
We must protect and conserve our ecosystem (forest), for it is the shelter and habitat of the different wildlife...