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RE: Steemit post damaged by removed google account again aka distributed youtube wanted!

in #censorship7 years ago

Unfortunately a huge amount of content on YouTube is exactly like posts on Steemit - plagiarism of some sort. As such it is subject to DMCA take down notices. When it comes down to it we don't like plagiarism on Steemit for the same reason as the rest of the world - it leeches away rewards and reputation from those that deserve it. On YouTube they have too response to DMCA notices, with Steemit I think we mostly dodge that issue by not hosting most infringing content.


That's good remark. You have some plagiarism everywhere if you want to find it. Is meme parodying some movie breaking its copyright? Maybe, but it's very subjective and you would have to go with each case to the court. And verdict would be quite different in each country depending on specific judge. Also you never know what the original creator appreciates. Some are angry when they copyrighted content is used, some others are glad because it creates better publicity. I don't think that censorship is good way to protect copyrights, patents or any other laws. People who wants to get some digital content will get it, no matter what.

There are also hundreds of thousands patents issued every year, now several millions in total. It's quite probable that every piece of software (Steemit included) is violating dozens of them. My idea is that all of this is waste of time and resources and it's part of totalitarian world. When you want to buy something, buy it. When you want to support someone, do it. When you know the producer is selling some content and not giving it for free, buy it, don't download it from warez. If you watched it already, buy DVD later. We all are building on many things people discovered before us for free and they often dedicated their lives to it, therefore we don't need to be that copyright-focused (if you are a believer you know everything good is from God anyway).

I would say we should stay human (buy and support creators if possible) but not to judge for every trifle. When someone warns you that some content should not be shared further, just accept it and remove it. We don't need 3rd party for this. We don't need prosecutors and judges to decide it for us. We have our own conscience knowing that stealing and not respecting others is wrong thing. We know that if we don't pay producers, they will stop producing sooner or later. We don't need draconian laws for that. Just renew your conscience and everything will go the right way. And even though someone might still feel harmed, let's talk about it, we are all people here. You don't even need to be a believer to understand these basic principles.

(sorry for long comment)

Also you never know what the original creator appreciates.

Exactly so that's why I proposed a trickle down effect which would work the same way as curation awards here on steemit.