Social Media Doesn't Ban Us - We Ban Social Media (Do Something About It!)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #censorship6 years ago

I'm really getting fed up with all the sniveling and complaining related to mainstream social media platforms censoring content.

Wait a minute... you mean platforms that have been openly affiliated with organizations such as the CIA are monitoring data and stifling free speech!? Who could have ever foreseen this...

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The main thing most people forget about the social media censorship issue is: they own the platforms you are using (for free) and they set the rules for those platforms. Don't like it? STOP USING IT! When someone comes into my home, I generally expect them to respect the rules of my house. Whether or not these values correlate with your own is irrelevant. I would hardly expect someone who does not see eye to eye with me to continue to come over every day and complain about how I go about sailing my ship. Don't like it? DON'T COME OVER!

We Are The Platform

Unlike my home, social media platforms are actually subjective to the attention paying audience. If you don't yet understand the difference between subjective & objective reality, I scrape the surface in my last post. Not only do these platforms rely on our attention to exist, the content is created by us. Drop it like the rotting piece of diseased flesh it is! These platforms hold no power to censor any of us, aside from the power willingly granted by the consenting users... Did you even read the terms you agreed to when you created your profile?

Free Speech, Or Freedom Of Speech?

The actions of the general public will speak louder than words on this one. What is it we actually value - the platforms or freedom of speech? As advocates of Truth and Freedom we have a responsibility not to support organizations who behave contrary to either. Fakebook especially has a proven track record of; security breaches, personal data exposure, censorship, affiliation with criminal government organizations, promotion of propaganda and on and on. Knowing all of these facts, I hardly find any appeal in utilizing such a platform, that they may benefit in every way from my hard work while taking advantage of and manipulating the very backbone of the platform - the user. Through continuing to use these platforms you are tacitly agreeing to, and even participating in, the actions of these platforms. They are representing you and you are a growing part of them. Fakebook was intentionally created with the intent to collect data on and monitor the public with their voluntary participation and full consent. Objective achieved.

Time Is Money

Our time is the most valuable currency on the planet. This being realized, are these platforms really free? How much time and attention is put into building a profile and making posts? Is there any subliminal advertising or influential language and symbolism built into the platform we interact with? Data has openly been claimed the currency of the future. Notice how Fakebook is worth billions while you are not? How long will we continue to give our data away for free to those who would use it to their own advantages? Stop investing your time in someone else's agenda.

What Do You Want?

I never saw the appeal of Fakebook or Twit-er and the likes. I can see the appeal for business marketing from an entrepreneurial perspective, but I wouldn't dream of utilizing these platforms for my own person. Honestly, out of principle I do not use them for business either. So what do you want? If you continue to utilize these platforms you can expect more of the same - guaranteed by them. If you keep using the platform you have given up your right to complain through agreeing to their terms as well as supporting the platform with your content and attention. If you use these platforms you are part of the problem. The only reason any person posts content of any kind is so that it will get attention from other viewers. Inasmuch, your contribution of content is intended support of growth of the platform you are using. Whether or not you choose to ignore this fact is irrelevant.

I would say we use these platforms for the one and only thing they are good for since decentralization: Promoting the new platforms we choose to move our efforts to. Use your profile to drive all your friends to platforms more conducive with freedom of speech and let these mainstream conglomerates crash n burn! Besides the obvious benefits to humanity, it'll be really fun to watch! Let's stop complaining and START ACTING! I'm looking forward to hearing some people who have cancelled their accounts leaving a comment!

Thanks for reading my post! I am hoping this will spur some towards influencing positive change in their reality! All information is shared out of love of Truth and Freedom. For many more Freedom, Health & Cannabis related posts, check out my blog @jayanarchon.

Peace Everyone


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