Steemit's Soul is For Sale

in #censorship8 years ago (edited)

So I just spent several hours replying to a sinister troll that isn't a person but rather a group who share a posting key.

All because I posted that I'd lost trust in Steemit for removing the Pizzagate topic completely.

A troll cabal let's call it, that spouted Latin at me, which I've studied too, but they thought they were impressing me.... the point being that this sinister troll group most likely has some legal background. Who else throws Latin around?

And their message was repeated and incessant. It was blunt, it was spelled out. It became boring because they said the same thing over and over. About 50 times.

And their message was: Shut up about Pizzagate "because" talking about it caused the Californian law allowing for pedophilia to come into being. Right. WHAT kind of logic is that?

And I have to question the very passionate interest of this sinister TROLL CABAL who share a posting key, who want to shut us all up about Pizzagate. In the same week that Steemit "loses" the Pizzagate TOPIC completely.

No, don't go on about how you can find it in Google. Look at the Topic search bar. Or the screen shots at the end of this post.

Ned the co-founder of Steemit claims it's a "bug". I've titled it the "James Alefantis, how can we serve you better, your servants at Steemit" bug.

Coincidentally, at the same time the TOPIC disappears and the sinister troll cabal arrive, Ryan O'Neal of Pizzagategear has removed his video under pressure from Alefantis. Again. The video about the Pegasus Museum Alefantis and his friends call the Kill Room on social media.

Their words, not ours.

The first time Alefantis threatened Ryan's loved ones, Ryan removed the video. He put that discovery video back up after filing a case with the Galveston Texas police about the threats. And now it's gone again.

He hasn't removed the video outing how James Alefantis threatened him. Which is far worse. See

So, Steemit, tell us when you're going to fix your "Alefantis, how can we serve you better bug"? I joined the site in November and never once in 2 months have topics disappeared completely. They have shifted into the "low value category (pizzagate moved there the same week the crazy gunman false flag event was meant to shut everyone up. Big fail. And precisely when pizzagate would have shot into the high value topics category, but we forgave that one). We could still type PI into the Topic search bar and have the entire feed appear. No big deal.

But now if you type PI into the topic search bar, NOTHING comes up.

Ned said we should all use a special url to find Pizzagate posts. Hey Ned, I replied earlier but this is for everyone to see. My answer is NO. Do you imagine Zuckerburg or Jack Dorsey would ask us to type a url to find posts about a subject? Are you nuts?

I hear you have ambitions to overtake Facebook or Twitter in users. Haha. When I first joined Steemit I was full of hope. I became a brand advocate quickly, telling people to use the site. Forget about that now.

Now I am a critic. I no longer trust you. I will use you, as you used Pizzagate to become more popular. Once you had Pizzagate protesters safely signed up you betrayed us.

I will use steemit as a tool. It has no value beyond that. Brand? You must be kidding.

And that's the opinion of someone who has spent over $50,000 on Facebook advertising for my business. Which I will never spend here.

Screenshots to show the pizzagate topic has been removed entirely from the steemit site.


@SpartanZA @Steemit the search feature needs to be fully developed - devs are on it soon! All tags fully available on Steemit!!

there's currently only 50 top tags organized by recent reward totals -- will be improved to all w/upcmng DB enhcmnts

Oh good I can stop breathing out of a paper bag now

Hi @gizmosia, I don't know if you will even end up seeing this as I am commenting on an old post.

If you do see this, I am thinking you will just think I am taking SteemIt, Inc.'s side.

The "tag" bug, has been experienced twice before, once on Stellabelle's account and once on Steemsports. Both of those tags as well as PG, have generated lots of comments, which I heard from a "dev" is directly related to the bug and the number of comments on a topic.

Although I think there are many people here that would rather you do not talk about Pizzagate, I absolutely do not think Ned and Dan would remove the tag on purpose.

Most of the people on SteemIt, so far are Crypto people, vs. Internet people, or business people and they seem to have a high tolerance to bugs, and shrugging off problems. I think your issue has much more to do with the culture of Crypto than censorship.

Do you totally understand how the blockchain works? The code and the database are stored on multiple computers at one time, which is resistant to censorship in general.

So, I know you are talking about a sensitive topic and feel you might be being censored, I honestly don't think so. I think you are just experiencing the Crypto Culture. :) Take care.

@whatsup thanks for the input. I do know how the blockchain works and they didn't drop the tag. It's all about the user experience. Most of us amateurs find the pizzagate feed by typing pizza into the topics bar. I got the same feedback from some others. It wasn't just my search method.

So now there are less people who can find pizza posts. That affects popularity of the topic. Chicken and egg.

If it is a bug, why does it take so long to fix? Also, I'm not a techie but blockchain means things are permanent. So how come things disappear? :)

I have no idea why they take bugs with such a lack of "importance". I have worked for internet companies my whole life. It is a Crypto Culture thing in my opinion.

You're right. They have no clue about brand experience. They're techies. User experience is the closest we get to a digital brand experience.

They should study Facebook a bit more carefully. Including why people are now leaving Facebook... Great user experience + censorship. 1 positive + 1 negative. Steemit - bad user experience (for some) + perceived censorship = zero zero.

I have muted this account. See why on my blog post titled "No Steemit is not censoring pizzagate"

Haha after I muted you first for inciting hatred and have proof of this because the blockchain records everything :) . Like I said then, @telos was right about you. You cause wars wherever you go. Then I find you creeping all over my posts again. Stalker! And you upvote your own post bwahaha

I don't know. He's based in Virginia near the FBI ;-) or New York ... He's on LinkedIn here

His profile says he's in Virginia. Steemit is apparently in New York

@the-reginald And btw I like your slogan on Steemit. About the dying society.

Ah. He saw it all and warned us.

Really? So Steemit is a big pile of censoring sheeeeit too? Run cover for pedophiles MUCH?

No this guy s is full of shit you can not censor a blockchain even if you created it

Learn to read. I never said the blockchain was censored. stop your lies.

@baah do you like the pic/poster?

Yes, and this one isn't full of my very colorful language :D

Haha. There's a new study out that says swearing is a sign of honesty. Not kidding.

I'm not sure which artwork is better so have used both. If the pink version's better let me know and I'll delete the other.

Thanks to everyone who has liked this post. It takes courage. I have followed you all.

My vote is just a bot I'm using (Steem Voter). I support you in general but I did not manually upvote the posts you did today, because I don't understand what is happening. I read you say you are an open book, but before yesterday (when you wrote the word heroine) I didn't even knew what is your gender or the part of the world where you live. You have no name and no picture, so maybe you should think about revealing more about yourself if you want to level the playing field when questioning other people's intent who publically use their identity when interacting online. Just a suggestion, this is what I decided to do on Steemit, since I had started to investigate James Alefantis' activities.

try reading what the.masses wrote and judge for yourself.

And search for the pizzagate topic in the topic search area. you will not find it

I know of the.masses, never really been a fan of the concept, but I understand Beta mode is all about trial & error. I don't understand why @baah vehemently engages with this multiple users account. With experience I learned to, most the times, not feed the trolls. As to who you are, I have started to have doubts about your approach for the last couple of days (see my jumping to conclusions comment), but hey you choose as you please as my main interest in our exchanges lies with the progress you can bring to the #pizzagate research. I don't care for your name or your gender. (Whatever re gender in two words or only one means to you or at all:

Speak Latin? You got me curious, I'll go and see. One thing is for sure the religious aspect seems important to you.

Heroic just go your own way. I am not religious but I don't care for the sexual perversions like bestiality being okayed in Canada etc recently. NO.

And I don't like your accusations. It's a free world. Go to posts you like.

You're quick to jump at conclusions. Maybe Alefantis & friends are into some kind of inside joke that if we were to know the context, we would understand. For me, it's all about narrowing the possibilities before calling judgement.


Samwell - "What What (In the Butt)"

I never saw or heard that Maxwell ''thing'' (ugh as you say) before. It has 62 830 284 views which goes to show that maybe we're living in the time of Idiocracy and we just didn't get the memo yet. Maybe Comet Pizza & Al. are just people that don't know what to do of their spare time other than making stupid butt jokes without realizing that beside a child pic is no place to talk about sex related topics and maybe they don't get what is CPS.


@heroic15397 Oh, so you'd post pics of your child or someone else's child and say "Why daddy likes BUTT? And you wouldn't mind if another man did would you?

You remind me of the girl who posted on a #pizzagate group on Facebook this morning. She said she confronted an old man, who she alleged was looking at children at the same time as moving his tongue on his lips in a public mall, or something like that. And she wrote that she cried because of everything she is reading on the forum. Poor girl she didn't have the frame of reference to make sense of it, before acting on the urge to do something the parents themselves weren't doing. She confronted the man two times who didn't flee in panic but stuttered, when she got the mall security to come sit near the guy he went off. What does that proove? Nothing. Pedophilia is wrong but stuff like ''believe her'' & ''we live in a rape culture'' is not helping at all.

Pizzagate is not about witch hunting every individual pederast on the planet, that is the police job if it isn't corrupt. In order for the legal authorities to be clean of nefarious influences, high level organized child traficking, abuse or rape must be revealed to the grand public. That is Pizzagate or Pedogate: combating the source of pedophilia evilness (here we go with that word) combined with blackmail (see the beginning of @titusfrost doc for that) which can expand like a plague from the source, not engaging at every fight (that might be in appearance only) lurking around the corner.


a combining form extracted from Watergate, occurring as the final element in journalistic coinages, usu. nonce words, that name scandals resulting from concealed crime or other improprieties in government or business: Irangate.


I don't post about pizzagate on facebook. I run a high profile BUSINESS with over 400,000 fans on Facebook. Stop trying to box me into who you THINK I am!

@gizmosia thanks for the flag. I see you are a very open person... a person who respect free speech. Why don't you go flag all the Papers and writers that you don't like, or respect or even care?

You're lying and you know it. Do not you know that steemit is a blockchain? And that you can not hide anything?

Like you lie about Fake News? I said to you I don't follow your posts, which is true.

Oh my... posting a link of an NYT article is lying now?

We all know the New York Times lies. They've offered apologies publicly!

Like you lie about Fake News? I said to you I don't follow your posts, which is true

That make ME a liar?

And Stop deleting your own comments.

My comments are all recorded. Look if you want to post propaganda by the New York Times which has publicly admitted it has lied then what do you expect? Random people will downvote you. I'm sure it's happened before?

iI did not ask you if you followed me, I asked you why did you flagged a newslink.

Because I found out yesterday when I kept getting downvotes and wondering how people did it, that a flag is also a "downvote". So if other people downvote posts why can't I? I have nothing against you personally. It just seems everyone around here does it, to me, to others I know. I considered the post propaganda so gave you my opinion. Do it back to me, I don't care.

Please next time just say you do not agree, let's be civil.

You're right. That would be the better way. My apologies.

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