“Ministry of Truth” Trends on Twitter After Government Unveils New “Disinformation Governance Board”

"Elon Musk buys Twitter to save free speech and days later President Biden announces a Ministry of Truth.It's like we're living through an Ayn Rand/George Orwell novel mash-up."
I know the 1984 references have been done to death but there is good reason. It's almost as if our government is treating 1984 as a Utopian rule-book instead of the dystopian cautionary tale that it is. Although the year 1984 didn't bear all that much resemblance to the vision of 1984 in the book, we have consistently gotten closer to that vision as the years have gone by, first with surveillance, then with the double speak and and changing the definition of words (sometimes subtly and sometimes not) and now we even have our very own Ministry of Truth. I don't think I have to point out the danger of having the government define what truth is. Do you want Trump to have a hand in defining what "truth" is? Or Biden? If you answered no to either one than the answer is no, period.
And if you haven't read George Orwell's 1984 yet, you really should. He set out to tell a story about what it might be like if Communism or a similar form of totalitarianism were to come about in English speaking countries. So far, he's be hitting the nail on the head even if his timing was a bit off. And this is from someone who witnessed firsthand the battle between Communists and Fascists in the Spanish Civil War.