RE: Twitter Cleverly Denies Shadow-Banning, Then Subtly Admits It
If you are a living being than you are committing acts. If the entity, person, principle is a paper tiger and there is no living body than such cannot under any circumstances commit a crime. This doesn't stop the agents from committing crimes. The individual is required for the paper tiger called Twitter to operate, because a paper tiger cannot do anything.
Thus it makes sense that you go after the people that are committing the acts that create the crime. It is a crime called false advertisement to induce living beings to use your products, goods or services under false pretenses. For instance you cannot advertise that you are connecting up the world and than cut off parts of that world for any reason. If you do it is fraud.
If you are a programmer and you know that the entity, person or principals are paper tigers and you know that they have made such a claim. Making a program to cut off part of the world is complicity to the original crime, fraud. So you go after them too. The truth is corporation are paper tigers and the crimes that are committed are actually committed by individuals. Obviously they do so for some advantage.
Liberty, Freedom require that people be responsible for their individual acts. Seeing as Twitter is a paper tiger than it follows that some living breathing being must have committed an act that is allowing the crime and harm to society. The real problem is that we are accusing things of committing crimes when things cannot commit crimes. Twitter is ink on paper and a thing. The programmer is a living breathing being and if the acts he commits result in crimes than he is guilty if he knows they have advertised connecting up the world and works on a program to do exactly the opposite, how could he not know a crime was to be committed?
That is who you go after. In the case of Twitter all of the board members and I bet some of the investors knew what was going on. That knowledge without reporting it creates the conditions for a charge under the law as co conspirators. If I was the attorney general Twitter would have a upper management problem that would most likely put them out of business.