A Quick Expose' Showing How The Censorship Agenda is Being Carried Out Via Alt Media, Facebook and Twitter.
This post, using screen captured images from Alternet's Facebook comment section, is posted to provide a glimpse into how censorship is now being conducted across the social networks and media spectrums, specifically via Alternet, Facebook and Twitter. It utilizes screen captured images from a conversation between myself and other individuals who chose to mark my comments as spam, thereby making them invisible to the public.
The comments were, ironically, posted on an 'Alternet' article titled " Is A Twitter Purge of the Alt-Right Underway?" I chose to comment early, and thus was quickly called a number of names, including Russian troll, idiot and shithead.
What is interesting is that I kept my civility the whole time and replied to those posting against me with accurate, verifiable, well-researched and documented information, yet I was still quickly silenced via the "mark comment as spam" option that Facebook provides users. It is important to point out that I have no political "side" and am simply anti-war, anti-corruption and anti-empire. My explanation for being neither dem nor republican is backed up via my self-description at Steemit, as well as at my Clarity of Signal Wordpress site. Yet, it didn't matter one iota for those that were arguing against my points put forth in the comment section.
Here is a screenshot of the article that led to the conversation and ironic censorship:
Here is a screenshot of my early comments -
Here is the screenshot Kay posts in response to my above comments -
Here I replied and my comments were marked as spam (made invisible except to me and Alternet) -
Then another person named Scott Dunn jumps in so I repost the same comments that I took time writing which had been marked as spam. That screenshot is here:
Now I refresh the page and it looks like this -
Earlier on in the thread when responding to Kay's mention of Jill Stein once being in Russia, I also posted a link to this pic, but it was not visible to me upon refreshing the page.
Here's the link to where that pic came from. There are many pics showing President's Putin and Obama having an amiable relationship throughout their terms as presidents.
Now, 1) I find it quite ironic that a website that calls itself "Alternet" is actually pushing one sided propaganda to keep people spinning on the corrupt two-party hamster wheel.
Is openly promoting censorship in any way, shape and/or form.
That Twitter is now determining that anyone deemed Alt-Right (whatever that means) will be censored and/or removed from the massive global communication platform.
That Facebook is allowing concerned US citizens like myself to be outright censored and harassed due to our personal opinions not fitting the prescribed current Deep State and media pushed narrative.
That these 'good folks' posting against my opinions are allowed to behave in such a manner and are actually openly provided the tools by the Facebook social media platform to do such.
In a sense, all that we are seeing from these sites, individuals and social media platforms above is entirely uncivil and unAmerican in nature, and represents the worst aspects of communicating across social media and holding a legitimate, mature, fact-based conversation. It has become unacceptable to hold differing opinions than those put forth by the corrupt mainstream media, The Deep State and the in-bed social media giants that they operate in exclusive collaboration with. What we are seeing are the combined fascist aspects of Orwell's novel "1984" with the glossy self-destroying negative aspects of Huxley's "Brave New World". In a sense, we are seeing our world gone mad. These people that fight for one side, that in actuality represents both sides, and who believe they are 'liberal' minded in nature, are simply destroying their own future freedoms and cannot see the forest for the trees. They completely miss the irony in what they do. They appear completely brainwashed and have no remorse for their actions. That much is apparent from their posts, and the inability of others to see mine. I just wanted to share this little bit of censorship with others out there, as I am sure it is happening to other like-minded folks quite often now. I know it happens to me on a daily basis, thus the reason for this post.