For anyone that's ever wished for a YouTube/Google/Facebook alternative...

in #censorship7 years ago

There's an awakening occurring on the web.

Millions are beginning to recognize that the most powerful and influential construct in history is being slowly but surely hijacked by corporate/globalist monied interests that represent the worst of human nature. Facebook, Google, YouTube, Amazon and others make use of the most advanced algorithms in the world to censor and control speech, to promote certain viewpoints and marginalize others, to help certain political candidates and hurt others, to aid complicit businesses and business leaders and damage others, all the while gathering thousands of datapoints on every individual using their services, and making exacting use of this information to further solidify their control and magnify their influence. Instead of acting as an agnostic conduit for a free exchange of ideas, they've instead devoted themselves to manipulating and shaping popular culture. As the most powerful companies in the world, this makes them extremely dangerous to any free society wishing to remain free.

Leaked documents show a plan has been in place to create 'internet ghettos', a policy of isolation and containment to prevent any ideas that run counter to a globalist/consumerist vision of our future from reaching a wider audience. Countless thousands of YouTube content creators are having their content demonetized, flagged, banned, or quietly shuffled to the bottom of results lists by advanced algorithms. There are algorithmic tricks being played behind the scenes that most of us can't begin to understand, and this will only get worse.

Protesting these companies accomplishes little, the only lasting solution is to create viable alternatives.

Imagine bringing together companies that supported freedom of speech and expression, and content creators willing to run their ads in their videos, with essentially no middleman taking a fee, and no threat of a heavy-handed and fickle platform arbitrarily deciding whether or not to allow it. Imagine a social media solution with additional novel features and functionality compared to its predecessors. Incorporating the best ideas of existing platforms like FB, and building upon them, creating an intuitive, engaging, self-sustaining environment, free from censorship, propaganda, algorithmic manipulation and data mining. Imagine a search engine focused on privacy and transparency like Duck-Duck-Go, coupled with the more advanced predictive algorithms used by Google, and additional useful crowd-sourced features. These are just a few superficial examples to illustrate a point, so much is possible here.

We can't stand by and allow the internet to morph into a tool for mental conditioning or propaganda by anyone, ever, under any circumstances. The internet is the last frontier of truly free speech and expression, a place where the entire world can meet, commune, share, learn, mutually enrich one another's lives. The implications of losing this, of allowing what could be the most positive innovation in history to morph into the most potent control mechanism imaginable, are terrifying.

If you agree, please join us in an ongoing discussion on the creation of alternatives to existing social media, search engines, content creation platforms, etc. Whether you're a site designer, coder, investor, a like-minded company willing to partner with content creators for exposure, or even just someone with ideas or features you'd like to see included, please join the ongoing discussion. All voices are welcome. A sea of possibilities and solutions lies before us, the sky is the limit. We need only collaborate together to dream them up, and from there its a relatively simple step to create them into a concrete reality.

Whether it takes weeks, months, or years, this group will continue to exist in some form or fashion, as a simple conduit to ongoing productive discussion. We harbor no illusions about this being a difficult uphill battle, and we also realize that a major focus must be on creating solutions capable of gaining traction and launching themselves into mass-usage, as opposed to merely treading water and remaining unknown, as many attempts at crafting alternatives have in the past. We're confident this can be accomplished, with the earnest collaboration of creative individuals working together towards a singular goal.

We've chosen as our discussion location. It's free to join and takes just a few seconds. . . and speaking personally, its one of hte most rewarding sites I've ever been a part of, with genuine people providing great content regularly:


TBTI Discussion Group

Please share this. This will be an ongoing open discussion, and we won't stop aggressively promoting this until we have thousands involved, and I'd be tremendously appreciative if you'd help us get there. Working together, we have the power to take back the internet and assure it remains truly free, open, transparent, honest. In service to its users and humanity at large, not any ideology or dogma or ruling cabal. If we sit back and do nothing, if we fail to create a 'check' to this insatiable force of nature, the inevitable will happen. . . and future generations will pay the price.

Thanks in advance!

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