DailyCelestialChallenge:Thursday-ForcesNature:"Over Thinking Personality"
Hello Beautiful people all over the world!
Welcome to my blog of "Over-Thinking Personality" in the entry of challenge initiated by @sirknight.

The world is revolving around the sun and the day is turning into night and into day respectively. As days are passing-by various persons are there who are confident and are capable of succeeding remarkable things without any hesitation but there are some people who are also capable of doing the same mechanism but because of his/her personality build up from visualizing the different phases of their life of journey are not able to show their potential.
The force and nature always work together in all ways in beauty or disaster of land and building the personality of any character. Personality of human is surrounded by the different other personalities which can sometime cause a good endeavor or a bad deed for other human nature. It is all natural that every human uses his/her force of brain to judge other person and judging other person is the main root in character building.
Every character of this globe grew up gradually by seeing the atmosphere and his up-bringing. Character of each individual is build-up by the picturing of his surrounding which can be brutal or beautiful, now here character of each individual is built with the force of human action and nature from the beginning of every child to the present which becomes the origin of some personalities and from that some of them personalities become OVER THINKING PERSONALITY.
Things A Over Thinker Do:

Science says that over thinking personality in any human nature arises with the disturbance in his mind like something which happened in his childhood or in his teen that causes his neurons to fluctuate and not function properly. Over thinkers mind becomes like it’s locked in the bars with the millions of things and thinking about it over and over again questioning it with many other aspects, comparing it and even crying over it to simply turn off the thinking process that is ongoing like a wall-clock.

- They are very remorseful when they mess up. Even the smallest of things can make them extreme remorse.
- If an over-thinker apologizes, you can bet they are truly and genuinely sorry for their mistake.
- They are as crazy as they might seem they are just extremely worried.They replay all the possibilities in their head over and over like a slideshow.
- Over-thinkers are not boring or a drag to be around, they love getting a chance to let go and have fun.
- They cannot make decisions, posting a picture, blog on a social media could take hours.
- Over thinkers mean well, they just need time to make up their minds. They want to escape from the cage of their thinking-less minds.
- They love spending time with someone they can get lost with and just be themselves so they can forget about all their worries.
- Over-thinkers are constantly plagues by inner monologue. Desperately tries to peel back the layers of every solution.
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To participate in Daily Celestial Challenge , check this blog:
Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
Tuesday-Animal Kingdom
Thursday-Forces Nature
Friday-Love Beauty Freedom
Wow! Nice work ;-)
Thanks for the appreciation.