DailyCelestialChallenge- Friday: The power of God's love.

in #celestialchallenge7 years ago

Filled with love, he can cope well with pain, dissipate fear, forgive freely, avoid restraint, renew strength and bless and help others.


Why does love touch every heart? Why does the simple phrase "I love you" produce such joy in everyone?

The man of several reasons, but the real reason is that the whole person comes to earth is a spiritual son or daughter of God. Because all love emanates from God, we are born with the ability and desire to love and be loved. One of the strongest links we have with our premortal life has to do with how much our Father and Jesus loved us and how much we love them. Although a veil was pulled back on our memory, whenever love was perceived, a longing that can not be denied arose.


The responder is a true love in part of our hotel we carry within us the desire to experience here on earth the love we feel there. Only if we feel the love of God and fill our hearts with His love can we be truly happy.

The love of God fills the immensity of space; therefore, there is no shortage of love in the universe, only in our willingness to do what is necessary for love. To accomplish this, Jesus explained that we must "love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself".

The more we obey God, the greater our desire to help others; the more we help others, the more we love God and so on. And conversely, the more we disobey God and the more selfish we are, the less love we will feel.


Trying to find lasting love without obeying God is like trying to quench thirst by drinking from an empty cup; the formalities are complied with, but the thirst is not removed. Similarly, trying to find love without helping others or sacrificing for them is like trying to live without eating; It goes against the nature of nature and it is impossible to achieve it. We can not pretend love; This must be part of us. The prophet Mormon explained:

"... charity is the pure love of Christ, and it abides forever, and whoever possesses it on the last day will do well.

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, ask the father with all the energy of your hearts, that they be filled with this love"

God is eager to help us feel his love, wherever we are. Let me give you an example.

When I was a young missionary, I was assigned to a small island of approximately 700 inhabitants in a remote region of the South Pacific. For me the heat was suffocating, the mosquitoes were terrible, there was mud everywhere, the language was very difficult and the food was ... "different".


After a few months, a powerful hurricane hit our island; the devastation was enormous; the crops were destroyed, there were people who lost their lives, the houses were taken to the wind and the work station, the only thing that united us with the outside world was destroyed. A small government boat always arrives once or twice a month, so we rationed our food to last four or five weeks, hoping that by then the boat would arrive. But it did not come. Each day that passed we became weaker. There were acts of great kindness, but as the sixth and seventh weeks passed with very little food, our forces fell considerably. My native companion, Feki, helped me as much as he could, but when I entered the eighth week, I no longer had any energy. I would sit under the shade of a tree and pray, and read the Scriptures and spend hours and hours meditating on the things of eternity.

The ninth week began with little external change. However, a great change was made inside me. I felt the Lord's love in the most profound way I had ever experienced and I learned, by myself, that His love "is more desirable than all things ... Yes, and the mayor's joy for the soul.



By then, I was made a skeleton. I remember observing, with deep reverence, the beating of my heart, the breathing of my lungs, and the one that had done it, the body and the body. God to house an equally wonderful spirit. The idea of ​​a permanent union of those elements, which the love, the atoning sacrifice and the Resurrection of the Savior made possible, was so inspiring and satisfying, that physical discomfort completely vanished.

When we understand who God is, who we are, the way he loves us and the plan he has for us, fear dissipates. When we get the smallest vision of those truths, our concern for the things of the world disappears. And the thought that we really believe the lies of Satan that power, fame and wealth


Thanks Steemians friend, for your visit!

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