DailyCelestialChallenge- Tuesday-Animal Kingdom

The ant is part of the large family of social insects. There are about 12,500 known species, but each year new ones are discovered. There is a great variety of sizes and colors of this insect whose scientific name is Formicidae.
The first thing you should know is that your body is very similar to that of bees and wasps. The most noticeable difference lies in the winged ants, since only the males, the fertile reins and the young females are provided with wings at some point in their lives. That is, they are flying ants.

These insects are extremely strong animals. One of the interesting curiosities of ants is that, with the help of their jaws they can lift up to a hundred times their own weight. Imagine that you could do it.

A very typical organ of the taxonomy of ants are the antennae. One of the essential elements to know how ants communicate. They serve to communicate with each other, know the taste of food and recognize objects. An ant can not do without its antennas; if for any reason he loses them, he dies soon.

Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily theme's are: