DailyCelestialChallenge Monday: Darkness

Thanks to my dear brothers from @steemchurch and @communitynews at #celestialchallenge by @sirknight, today I am going to tell you about: The darkness of santeria challenges our faith and the holy spirit


Santeria is a religion that links beliefs and rites of religion practiced by the Yoruba tribes, which were brought to America from Equatorial Africa. At the same time they used Christian elements to confuse human beings with a good heart.

It is necessary to warn people especially the faithful believers of jehovah that they should stay out of the so-called santeros because they are people who use persuasion as a characteristic and knowing that lovers of jehovah and the holy spirit are people of good heart, They tend to believe that everyone is good. Therefore they must avoid at all costs to fall into that type of religion that is surrounded by real demons who live in the darkness of darkness to do evil in the length and breadth of the world.

Cabed stake that the nicknamed santeros ask people as a change to make the ceremony of the saint (to be the saint to the client) to give them in return animals such as chickens and sheep to name a few to use their blood as part of the ritual time to lower the spirits.
After making the saint to the santero, he is considered the son of the oricha to whom he has consecrated himself, be it yemaya, orunla, chakpana, etc. Many people enter that religion out of ignorance and curiosity without knowing that they are entering a dark and diabolic world led by the devil himself.


Names and functions of the saints of evil

  • Aganyu: is the son of obatala and oddundua

  • Babalu aye: it is the cataloged spirit of the sick

  • Bacoso: is the king and founder of the Yoruba dynasty

  • Dada: is the son of yemaya and orungan

  • Eleggua: he is the saint who opens and closes all the doors to people according to the santeros and is currently one of the most demanded in Latin America.

  • Ifa: it is the spirit of impossible things

  • Obstsls: is the father of the orishas

  • Oggun: is the spirit of iron and war

  • Ochun: daughter of yemaya and orungan

  • Oya: daughter of yemaya orungan

  • Yemaya: is the sister and wife of aganyu. In addition to being extremely powerful and idolized by women santeras.

  • Orunla: owner of the ifa table.



Without further reference to all this leaves us as a reflection that we who are faithful believers of jehovah and the word of God we must guide and raise awareness among human beings around these demons of darkness who are seeking evil and evil in our land, therefore we must pray for them so that they do not continue to sow hatred and darkness in our hearts and so light comes to the fore and they get out of that darkness in which they are immersed.


Revelation 21: 8
But the cowardly and unbelieving, the abominable and the murderers, the fornicators and sorcerers, the idolaters and all liars will have their share in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death

Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:

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