Daily Celestial Challenge / Tuesday-Animal Kingdom

he word animal is used in Genesis 7 with reference to all the wild creatures that entered the ark of Noah.
Is it a sin to kill animals?

God allows us to kill animals if they pose a threat (Exodus 21:28). In addition, Jehovah said: "Every moving animal that is alive can serve them as food" (Genesis 9: 3). Jesus himself helped his disciples fish for food (John 21: 4-13). And the Bible shows that we can also kill animals for shelter (Mark 1: 6).


However, the Bible clearly says that God "hates anyone who loves violence" (Psalm 11: 5). So it's obvious that God does not want us to kill animals just for pleasure or sport.
In the story of creation we read: "God proceeded to make the wild beast of the earth according to its kind and the domestic animal according to its kind and all moving animal of the ground according to its kind. And God came to see that it was good "(Genesis 1:25).
From Jehovah it is said: "He is giving the beasts their food" (Psalm 147: 9). In the ecosystem that God created, animals find refuge and food in abundance.David, the king of Israel, said in a prayer: "You save man and beast, O Jehovah" (Psalm 36: 6). In the Flood, for example, Jehovah kept eight people alive and a multitude of animals of all kinds (Genesis 6:19).
The Bible teaches us that the life of animals has great value for God.
As we have seen, Jehovah values ​​animals and expects us to treat them with due consideration.

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