DailyCelestialChallenge wednesday : structures
Dear friends of Steemit, in this installment we will be writing about a complex team designed for the search, exploitation and distribution of oil both on land and at sea; Our topic today is about the description of the activity in a ** OIL PLATFORM AT THE SEA **.

This type of facility serves as a home and workplace for groups that range from 50 to 90 people.
This platform has the support of a ship or vessel strategically located for services and emergency cases, they are semi-submersible structures that float on sunk air tanks 20 meters under the sea, in turn the platform is secured by anchors anchored in the bottom of the sea.
Currently hundreds of platforms seek oil at the bottom of the sea, they are located in different regions of the planet, Mexico, Venezuela, USA, Brazil, North Sea and Persian Gulf are some of the dozens of countries that exploit oil fields.
A semi-submersible platform can work efficiently up to about 300 meters deep, are equipped with derricks of up to 40 or 50 meters high and has a rotating plate made of hardened steel which is driven by a motor that drives a tubular system in which Extreme is located a PERFORATING TREPANO.

** A HEAD OF DRILLING **: His responsibility is essentially administrative, projects and inspection of works.
** UN CAPATAZ **: responsible for compliance with company rules, who distributes and manages the work material.
** A HEAD OF MACHINES **: Must be a mechanical engineer, is responsible for all drilling equipment and maneuvers when the equipment must be moved.
** THE DRILL **: Is the technician in charge of operating the controls on the drilling equipment.
** LOS PAONES **: Move the pieces, equipment, tools and pipes used in the process.
** A LODO TECHNICIAN **: It is a specialized worker, technician or Engineer, who prepares the mixtures of mud, mud, barite and other aggregates required to be used in the drill.
DIVERS; When the job is under the sea, a scuba diver is required who submerges up to 100 or more meters under the surface of the sea, can work up to 6 hours a day and for every 30 meters submerged you will have to spend a day in the decompression chamber, Sometimes the camera must accommodate 3 or more divers together.
In the North Sea, divers wear Neoprene suits to protect themselves from the intense cold.
The work schedule is 12 hours a day, there are no free days but on Saturdays and Sundays they receive double remuneration.
** RISKS **: Heavy storms on platforms located in the hurricane zone sometimes prevent access to supply vessels or support helicopters.
** ROUTINE **: The platform worker must adapt to changes in weather conditions, to the sound of machinery while watching television, he must get used to waiting for the relief staff that can be of 7 or 14 days, in between In addition to working enjoy the excellent and abundant food that is served to those who work at sea, there is a main dining room for the entire crew as well as canteens where they can buy soft drinks, coffee, tea, cookies and candy. Liquor consumption is not allowed.
The bedrooms are individual cabins according to the worker's position, double, triple and 3 or 4 bunk cabins

APOYO: Hay un personal vital para el desarrollo de las labores a bordo de la plataforma: los pilotos de helicópteros y el personal del Buque A
** SUPPORT **: There is a vital personnel for the development of the work on board the platform: the helicopter pilots and the Auxiliary Ship personnel who are in charge of the transport of food, materials and equipment and medical supplies as well as the Staff that works in the kitchen and laundry.

Dear readers, as you can see, there are works of which very little is known and perhaps, with this reading we can understand and value why the remuneration of this staff will never be enough to compensate for the sacrifice that means being far from the most appreciated for the human being. ** Home, sweet Home **
** PSALM 31, 1,2
Sir, I seek refuge in you
To you, Lord, I welcome, I will never be disappointed; You who are just, keep me safe **
For more information, check his blog:
Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are: