Daily celestial challenge-Light-Eradication of fuel scarcity

Hello everyone! Here is my entry for the #celestialchallenge organized by @sirknight. Thank you very much for this great avenue to express myself.
Today, I'll be talking about the Role of Light (The Sun), in the eradication of fuel scarcity.

Then God commanded, “Let there be light” — and light appeared. And HE named the light “Day” and the darkness “Night”. Evening passed and morning came — that was the first day.
And God made the two great lights--the greater light (the sun) to rule the day and the lesser light (the moon) to rule the night. He also made the stars.

Genesis 1;3,5,16

As we have read from the above quotes adapted from the Holy Bible, two great lights were created in the very beginning of the world- the sun and the moon. But here, I'll be focusing more on the sun and its power. Solar power as it's called, is the energy gotten from the sun.
As we know, the usefulness or benefits of the sun are by far too numerous to mention (more than 50% of its abilities are yet undiscovered) and it's importance can never be overemphasized. Not even in a lifetime. However, I'll intimate us on some of its uses;
It serves as a source of illumination; there is no beauty in darkness. Light rays aids our vision and helps us appreciate the beauty of nature.
Source of heat; Naturally, the sun emits heat which helps in warming up and drying whatever needs to be dried.
For plant growth; plants, need the sun to grow and fruit. Some specific plants cannot start budding and fruiting without adequate amount of sunlight.
It also serves as an avenue for fuel scarcity eradication.

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'Fuel scarcity' as it's popularly called, has become a well known terminology in my country. In fact, we recently just experienced one and we're still trying to recover from the effects. Over here, there seems to be an overly dependence on petroleum (fuel) for the running of day-to-day activities. Because of this, the country is always thrown into chaos whenever there is scarcity. Motorists queue up for long hours at petrol stations trying to get fuel for their vehicles and even individuals for their homes or businesses. This is due to lack of alternative means and measures for electricity generation.

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In almost all the areas where fuel is used if not all, solar power can be substituted in its place. This is done through the use of Solar Panels. These solar panels help to trap the suns's energy convert it into electrical energy. Solar panels can be manufactured in varying sizes and shapes and can be used to power anything that needs to be powered by electricity.
Due to the epileptic power supply here, people no longer rely on the POWER HOLDING COMPANIES (PHCN). 80% of the total population now have generators in their homes, offices, business arenas, schools, e.t.c, be it small sized, medium or large sized.
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Solar panelled house.

Solar Energy as a means of overall reduction in total expenses
There seems to be an overall hike in the price of fuel at the beginning and end of every year, as I've come to notice. This inadvertently leads to hike in transportation costs and prices of goods and services in general. However, this can be averted through the use of solar panels. All the home appliances as well as other appliances can be powered through the use of solar panels. If business owners make use of solar energy as a means of powering their business, there would also be an overall reduction in costs.

Recently, there had been a technological development towards the production of solar powered cars. Now, there would be no need to spend important time on long unending queues trying to get petroleum for cars.

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Even in France, the technological advancement is skyrocketing by the day. Solar panelled roads have been built to help charge these cars. As you're driving, your car is charging, isn't that wonderful?

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Minimization of air pollution and Green House effect
Hydrocarbons and waste from the combustion of fuels from automobiles and other machines constitute a major part of air related pollution. This is very harmful not just to human health, but to animals and plants as well. It also leads to Global warming. But the use of solar power systems have helped to an extent to reduce the effects of these.

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I hope with the above summarized points, you would see more reasons to make better use of this natural resource we've been blessed with.


Nice post.....i'd like to see these solar powered cars become mainstream

Yeah..me too bro.

Solar powered cars... that is an interesting one. Solar energy will rules energies soon.

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