DailyCelestialChallenge Friday: LoveBeautyFreedom
"Wherever you go I'll go"

Ruth continued to work in the field of Boaz until the harvest was over. Boaz realized that Ruth was an excellent and hard-working woman. At that time, if a man died and had no children, a relative could marry the widow. So Boaz married Ruth. They had a son and they named him Obed. Years later, Obed was the grandfather of King David. Naomi's friends were very happy. They told him: "First, Jehovah gave you Ruth, who has been very good to you. And now you have a grandchild. Praise Jehovah for that. "

16 Ruth answered: Do not beg me to leave you, and I will turn away from you; because wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people, and your God my God.
17 Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried; so Jehovah will do to me, and even add me, that only death will separate us from each oth. Ruth 1: 16-17
Note: @sirknight started a contest and its daily topics are:
Monday - Darkness
Incredible post, thanks to have you here with us @franklin07
my brother's nothing, it's a privilege and a blessing I shared the word of God with all of you ... thanks @bigssam 🙋