DailyCelestialChallenge Sunday-Light

in #celestialchallenge7 years ago (edited)

The invention of light is mysterious , as I was born and raised up on these earth, it's hard not to take light for granted. But for today post i thank and appreciate the creator for giving us light to brighten our path.


Light has help to stave off the darkness, the original of light could be linked to God and Albert Einstein.

In the book of Genesis we could see how
God originally created light to brighten the day and night...... He mastermind his creation by creating two separate perfect light, the Sun to brighten the day and the moon to brighten the night... (how great are his work).

We catch glimpses of its nature when a sunbeam through a dust-filled room, when a rainbow appears after a heavy storm.


1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

1:4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

1:5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.


The original of light to man is still a mystery, a lot of questions has been asked without answers, all we know and care about is that we have lights in our home.

I ever wondered if light travel as a wave, a ray or a stream of particles? Or if it has a single color or many colors mixed together, Just when I thought I have it figured out, it defies my efforts and seems to change its nature.


Albert Einstein though he was getting ahead of the story. To appreciate how light works, but to round it all up the invention of light is mysterious.


Our Senior Editor is not sure how he missed this one Abiye and apologises. Very enLIGHTening! hehehe.


Thanks for dropping in..... Hope to see you often

Great thoughts man. upvoted .

Thanks one love

Nicely written boss
You've got great taste

I appreciate you

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