If you woke up from sleep and found "saliva" on your pillow, you should be careful because its symptoms are serious .. Causes of "Runny saliva" .. Dangerous .. and way treated !!
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Do you continually wonder in what so is a slight seam concerning horseshoe chain out of your
mouth now you wake above among the morning? In it action thou are struggling
from runny slaver for the duration of sleep then such happens because many motives which is a
common suit because close human beings however oft refers in imitation of a big condition.
Causes of "runny saliva"
Sleep on one side always
Sleeping on one side always causes runny saliva on the pillow.tonsillitis:
When tonsillitis occurs, it produces "saliva runny" at the bottom of the throatacidity and rehydration of the esophagus:
Acidity is one of the most important reasons that lead to excessive digestion of eating, causing "runny saliva" during sleepSinusitis:
Sinusitis is inflammation of the lining of the mucosa and this is one of the reasons that lead to runny salivaMethods of treatment of runny saliva
- Sleeping on the back
- Support the adviser with a pillow: due to the fact the vertical position concerning the adviser prevents "runny
saliva" from the mouth.
- Breathe together with the nostril yet now not the mouth
Do no longer devour shortly or bite slowly
- Do now not consume acid foods, specially before sleeping
Weight deprivation - condition thou are overweight - due to the fact measure acquire causes respiration
- difficulties, causing a "flow concerning saliva".
Methods of treatment of runny saliva
Sleeping on the back
Support the head with a pillow: because the vertical position of the head prevents "runny saliva" from the mouth.
Breathe with the nose and not the mouth
Do not eat quickly and chew slowly
Do not eat spicy foods, especially before sleeping
Weight loss - if you are overweight - because weight gain causes breathing difficulties, causing a "flow of saliva".