Captured CAPTCHA Post
What the heck would that be, you may ask? Captured CAPTCHA Post!?! Hmmmm...?! Well, I suppose, you all know what CAPTCHA is. Yeah, those somewhat annoying forms or pop ups we have to solve this way or another to prove we are not some robots, but human beings. They are all over and almost unavoidable these days.
Officially CAPTCHA stands for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart." source: Wikipedia
However, you turn it around this challenge-response test is not some big fun. Quite in contrary! But it's something we are all forced to go through in endeavor to move forward the pages we want to access, login or what so ever.
Almost daily I'm entering a site that also uses captcha. Not so ago they changed the captcha type. Instead of selecting all the squares with vehicles, traffic signs or else on some photo now you need to type in the box two or three-word combinations displayed there.
Nothing new, except that the word combinations quite often are very interesting or even funny. I didn't notice that at first. But after some while, I realized I've been caught in some sort of half-aware thinking or even responding to it.
In an example, I would come across something like "bulletproof boys," and I would find myself thinking: "Oh, yeah! Sure!" Another time it would be "spelling bee," and I would think: "What the heck, they are talking about? Is it about how to spell the word 'bee' or it's some bee flock engaged somehow in some spelling contest or something?"
However, after some time I found myself quite entertained with it even being tempted to log-in, log-out, and logging-in again just to see what are they going to serve in that captcha next. And then, it hit me!
What if I can use it to create my posts on Steemit? The word combination, no matter how crazy they may sound, would be the title around which I will create some kind of story or my question-answer flow of ideas and thoughts that related word combination provoke in my mind. That might be interesting and funny, as well, very helpful for inspirationally dry days. Then it hit me again!
What if I can run a challenge or even a contest with it, or maybe even both? And, of course, I can!
Therefore, I'm officially opening today the CCPost tag!
And while I'm still contemplating in between #ccpost challenge or contest when I'll give you the first words-combo, I would like to hear your thoughts about the idea!
Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2017
Image source:
Own derivative work with the image from Pixabay and Wikimedia Commons Credits to Engin_Akyurt for laptop-notebook used under the CC0 Creative Commons license and Martin who generated the CAPTCHA image to be available in public domain and doesn't require the license as it's common property and contains no original authorship, both used in creation of this image.
Well.. it would be fun to have a contest or challenge... back in tsu time... I did posted some of the funny captchas I got... sometimes and combination is just crazy...
I thought almost the same. Thinking it might help to some to write something when they lacking inspiration. I just can't decide which one, challenge or contest.
From one side challenge might be good as always available and less work for me. On the other hand, the contest might be more intriguing to many as first because of its competitive part, and secondly because of the possibility to earn something extra what would be, I suppose, tempting to many.
Maybe you can do both.. but not at the same time...
I like the idea - will think about it!
let me know if you have started either a challenge or contest... I still have some captchas screenshot saved in my laptop somewhere.. :D
hahahaha - Great! - Go find it! 😉 - And I'll let you know when I start (whatever)! 🙂
Nice posts sir... I totally agree with you. Love it. Followed...