China celebrates 100 years of communism, except, it's not communism.
China is celebrating the 100th birthday of communism in China. Well, sorry to rain on your parade, there, chumps, but what you have is not communism because increasingly you permit private enterprise and the private profits that come with it. In 100 years, you've moved away from the Marxian idea that the state with wither on the vine and instead you have moved toward a fascistic totalitarianism which is all the more sinister because it is fueled by the worst kind of crony capitalism which exploits and enslaves the average worker. -precisely what Marxists pretend to be against.
And now your dictator is increasingly emboldened, brazen and belligerent:
Xi Jinping warns foreign nations will ‘get their heads bashed bloody’ during CCP speech.
I am split over what to do with China. On one hand, they're doomed to implosion because of their population control measures, and on the other hand, I think that, aside from the culturally suicidal tendencies of the Left in the West, the CCP is the greatest threat to world peace and our economy.
Clarity of purpose and a unified front against their imperial ambitions is crucial, but so many of our leaders, businesses, and media are bought and paid for by them that our united resistance is unlikely.
What a wild time to be alive. One misstep could push us into the abyss. And we have complete incompetents running our government. It's all just a thin crust over the volcano.