Any ccd fans here?
Pitstop at the Kolhapur ccd outlet enroute to Bangalore from Mumbai. Great drive in the rainy season. Greenery everywhere!
Pitstop at the Kolhapur ccd outlet enroute to Bangalore from Mumbai. Great drive in the rainy season. Greenery everywhere!
nice photography
thanks for sharing photo
carry on dear
waiting for your next blog
Of course here. I am a big fan of ccd and yours. Happy Independence day to all steemians. I have been late in wishing you but i was busy in delhi India gate celebrations.
I have a dairy farm in Ghazipur, UP, India. (near the UP-Delhi border)
So, any place which serves milk/shakes, or any other derivative, I just ignore.
But I love the desserts of CCD. They are yum!
where froth can dance on lips...