Control of the mind
Before I fell asleep I told myself: I don't need to eat! I repeat and repeat this sentence to change my mindset. I don't need to eat. I don't need to eat.
I watched a programme about 'living with Praha". The lady tells how her travel into this lifestyle started. It took her ten years. A lifestyle she tried out and developed into a Western version.
"I live here not in India so the Indian style doesn't make sense to me."
As years passed by she and her partner tried out what was possible. Back then she couldn't find anyone nearby who didn't eat, didn't need to eat. She wanted to meet, see and touch such a person to know if "living from the air" is real. That woman looks very healthy to me, she's filled with positivity, shines and turns out to be over 50 years old. Interesting is to hear she once was Miss Fitness (her ex-partner bodybuilder). At that time she kept a tight diet lived on proteins, healthy food and used all kinds of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and build muscles.
"We are told to have three meals a day. If you sport six. We are raised to empty our plates. If you do not eat you'll die. All these lessons, warnings are stored in not only the brain but each cell of the body. Only if that information is deleted, if you believe you don't need to eat you can take the energy your body needs out of the world, everything around and inside you."
This information fascinates me and that's why I tell myself: I don't need to eat.
I'm not there yet but the start is made. The need to eat already left me long ago. As a child, I had a hard time when it comes to eating. Too much, too hard to digest always fighting with my intestines but I had to eat, was forced to eat. I ear out of habit till today although not as much as during my childhood.
It isn't the first time I hear about someone who says: I don't need to eat. Before this lady, it was a young man who said it while standing outside on the streets eating chocolate. The chocolate was just for the taste not because he needed food, he stated. How seriously can you take a person eating with a bar of chocolate and a full mouth?
"I don't need to eat", makes a good mantra if you keep repeating it. We know how the mind works. It isn't difficult to make the brain believe whatever it needs to believe or what others want you to believe. If people worldwide within a month if not a week believe there is a killer virus the brain can believe everything. So to me, it's a good start to say: I don't need to eat. Just saying it won't do the trick and "I don't need to" is not the same as "I don't eat".
The very first time I heard and saw a man who said he never ate was years ago. That elderly man impressed me. He was dancing in his very white, minimalistic modern furniture living. He said: I don't eat. To me, this is one step further. He didn't eat. My first thought was: no groceries, no dishes, no toilet paper needed. Imagine how much money and time you save if you don't eat. It's great for the environment too. No waste, no garbage and if you don't eat there won't be many footprints and you are independent.
The breatharian says s/he doesn't need to eat. Just breathing provides in every need of the body and mind. I tried to find proof. People, I can believe they do not (need to) eat at all. I didn't find a single person on the internet. It turns out breatharians do eat. Some once a week, others three times a week. Even if it's just a piece of fruit they eat. To me, this lifestyle sounds more like Keto the diet I started with in 2021 together with the youngest. Intermitted fasting is what we do and it wasn't as difficult as we thought it might be. Most likely the reason can be found in the fact we already rarely had breakfast and our normal is two meals a day and one of these meals can be a snack.
Living with Praha is according to the lady I watched not living by breathing alone. Perhaps the difference is just in the name and can it be called keto, fastening or Ramadan too. It's clear if you don't need to eat it's important to focus on something else. How you feel, your body and mind. You need to stay alert and ask yourself if you feel hungry: Why is it I want to eat?
If you watch people eating many spoon it inside with no attention paid to what they eat. Not because they feel hungry but are afraid they might be without food. We are raised with the idea we should eat. If you don't eat you die or you are ungrateful because so many would love to have that plate in front of you. It's how I've been raised. No way I could leave the table if I didn't finish my plate.
"On average, an adult has 100 to 150 grams of faeces a day. In the course of human life, the intestines process an average of 65,000 kg of food and drink (the weight of 12 elephants)."
Can you imagine how much poop that is you produce in your life? I read the toxic out of food is stored in every cell in our body and the intestines can contain 1-4 kilograms of faeces. Imagine what your inside looks like.
How to start a Pranic lifestyle?
What I understand is step-by-step. Your mind has to be ready to let feelings take over, to give up on the control. Everything taught turns out not to be true if you can live on breathing alone. There's no need to eat times a day, to take vitamins, minerals to stay healthy.
More than one person said so and proves there are other methods to stay alive, to feel energetic and look good. With the right mindset everything is possible so who knows it's the power of positive thinking or simply the relief of no longer depending on others. If there's no need to eat, to some even no need to drink 50% of all our problems are solved. The only step left is to break the habit of preparing and eating meals.
I still need to buy food and cook because I have children which means shopping and spending money is included. Still, I do feel relieved I no longer need to eat and can let it be. Just like the vitamins and minerals since it isn't said I need what the average is. As long as I feel good it's fine enough.
By the way: those people who don't eat say they have more energy, sleep fewer hours and see colours brighter and if they do eat once in a while -whatever they like-the stomach and intestines do their job. Sounds as if a lot we learned about food and our body belongs to the world of fables.
A man in India was mentioned who didn't eat from the age of 9 till his death (88 years old?). His organs were tested and everything looked fine and healthy.
I couldn't find any information about him so if you know more please, leave a comment or the link to that article.
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