"What does #CCC mean to me?" Contest #CCC # 2.02
First of all, greetings to the great family 👪 #CCC and to our colleague and promoter @freedomshift 👦 for this excellent project. For me, among the reasons why I decided to be part of this Steemit platform was the need to know good people and good knowledge, I have successfully managed to achieve these two objectives through the good family #CCC who promote and support everyone user that shows interest and quality 💯 in each of its publications, so #CCC has been a fundamental pillar of my strengthening 💪 📈 in Steemit.

Always, I have had the need to be part of a good team ✔✌, whether in college en or in the workplace, I like to relate to the most outstanding, not to take advantage but to grow with them. Well, I've had the fortune to get 🔍 🔎 in Steemit to this coordinated and committed team that each week makes available the tools 🔧 to use them consciously in benefits 💸 💰 of all those interested😎. #CCC more than three (3) letters is like a transport unit 🚍 that only goes forward➡.
The Three C "#CCC", mean for me the three characteristics that every user must meet to achieve success in this social network and in any area you want to use. Commitment 💍💙 is one of the most favorite, who is truly committed beyond the basics, not only publishes or gives a positive vote 👌 but generates a beneficial interaction, 👀analyzes and advises on the strengths and weaknesses😕😉 # CCC invites us to be committed as they are.
Creativity is essence🌈, it is a plus that is given to every publication ✏ to attract the attention of readers👓. Originality 😚😝, presentation, among others 🚨, are the qualities that the #ccc team shows and promotes in each of its activities. Constancia, one of the attitudes that makes #ccc, each week keep interactions and contests active, their support 👍 is constant 👬 and therefore deserve to have greater support from the Steemit👥 platform.
#CCC is my favorite team and therefore I participate in its competitions👋: @marblely, @macoolette @ team-ccc and freedomshift are some of the members of this great work team🐬🐳.

This publication is my entry to the competition MyThursdayFavourites promoted by the friend @freedomshift. I hope you liked it.

This is an Invitation to join #ccc for Guaranteed 👍 Daily Income 💵 and Payout 💸 for Newbies (2.0) 🐟 🐜 🐛 in #ccc 👣 and Follow 👣 the Honor Code 🏅 - the Creed (Conditions and Limits Inside)
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