I accidentially ordered "marijuana" online and had it shipped to my house
Not sure if everyone knows, but in the US, cannabis is considered to be "hemp" and legal only if it's under .3% THC.
When I ordered this Acapulco Gold, I didn't even pay attention to the THC percentage. I just assume that since they were willing to ship to the US, it was legal/ ok/ hemp.
Well, it turns out it's actually 3x the legal limit.
I know that sounds so silly b/c it's so little THC, but it's honestly the only time I've ever been sketched out about buying hemp -- or at least what I thought was hemp :)
I have to say though, the results/ effects were so much better! We shouldn't be limited to .3%THC!! It's just silly. We need legal cannabis now!
Haha. Now you only need to smoke an ounce or two to get a buzz lol
Anyone who doesn't regularly use THC will definitely feel it. It really doesn't take much. Smoke a gram of this and you'll be getting 9mg of THC. That's like 2 of those 5mg THC mints you can get at dispensaries.
All the CBD pretty much cancels out most of it (thc effect), but you definitely feel it.
Haha I was just kidding, man. Back in the day, all we used to get was dirt weed and it wasn't much stronger than that and we loved it back then lol.
I never went after the CBD weed myself but I know some people who swear by it. A friend of mine says it gets her through her twelve hour shifts without having knee and foot pain like she normally would.
Hahaha.. lucky you !