CBD and Cancer
Cancer has become an epidemic worldwide and we are still uncertain why it has been such a problem. Traditional cancer medications are expensive and come with many side effects that patients battle to come to terms with. Cannabidiol ( CBD ) on the other hand has been proven over the years to hold much promise in the treatment of cancer.
CBD is a major compound found in the cannabis plant and is becoming the therapeutic choice for many patients suffering from a variety of cancers. There are also many advocates of cannabis that swear cannabis has “killed cancer” and these recovered patients are living a better quality of life, some without cancer! Recently through much research and scientific studies, researchers have proved that two cannabinoids, namely CBD and THC, slow growth of a cancerous cell, or even death of the same cells in controlled studies of cannabinoids and lab dishes.
CBD has been studied for decades and the results have been very positive in the research field for diseases such as cancer. CBD is a cannabinoid that can be delivered to our body in many different ways. What is important is that our bodies are designed to bind to these cannabinoids. We have receptors throughout our bodies located in our endocannabinoid system ( ECS ). This ECS is found in our immune system and nervous system, including our brains. Once we deliver cannabis in the many forms, it is absorbed into our bloodstream and has a reaction to the receptors. CBD is not psychoactive and reduces the “high” effects of THC. However CBD does not stop there, it activates the same receptors allowing them to communicate and function better.
Many studies have been conducted and all positively relay the same message, it inhibits the cancerous growths whether they are in the brain, breasts, lungs, skin or many other regions that it potentially can invade. CBD also works wonders treating the many side effects related to these diseases or treatments such as chemotherapy. CBD does not just inhibit cancer naturally, it can also relieve much of the pain, insomnia, appetite and other bodily functions that are out of balance with cancer.
CBD’s main ability as a great nutritional supplement helps bring your body back into balance and help you live a better quality of life. It does this by reducing the production of certain hormones related to stress and pain and increases the production of hormones your body may be lacking. CBD once absorbed has the ability to improve your health and well being, keeping your body and mind in check and balance.
Through public support and demand, cannabis has long been known as an effective treatment for the variety of cancers that have plagued humans in the last few decades. It allows patients to have a better quality of life as well as lead a balanced life with a little more hope.
If you would like to try CBD, we recommend :
https://www.projectcbd.org/cancer https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23544909
Great article, more need to know about CBD, cannabanoids and just about everyone needs to know about our ECS.
That link you provided has a great price on the CBD isolate, it's 5 bucks cheaper than my local CBD shop. I do love, LOVE some CBD.
Have a great day!
Thank you very much for your kind words and for taking the time to read our work. The company the link is to sells super high quality CBD products at very fair prices, we use their products too. We also believe everyone should know about CBD, we are trying to inform people and help take any stigma away from Cannabis and CBD. Thanks again for reading.