CBD Victory Over FDA & DEA

in #cbd7 years ago

Unless the DEA plans on classifying tree bark as a schedule 1 drug, there is nothing they can really do about this...

▶️ DTube

Sounds really nice

Can't wait to test😉

me either this sounds so exciting

You know the Rohrabacher-Farr Amendment protects rec and medical states like the federal bill protecting gambling states are in effect. New song Fav type of Weed coming soon btw ;)

Yeah, just doing my part :-). Never know what's going to happen in the future...

HAHA MATT Its Zack from VilcaBamba i knew Tristan and Dan and I was there in 2011 and saw you at Dans old place with his old girlfriend the shipping lady when u were doin some paperwork with her haha i got to meet you there and saw youa few times invilcabamba man you were Infamous there in that town and yet the same jelous people talking shit about your great company and success were also begging me tro bring down YOUR Zeolite clay products after Fukushima nuclear reactor leak and your shit tasted GOOD man! hahahaha Good shit glad to see you on steem you are one smart man! I am SO happy to have you here Steem to represent vilcabamba! I might come down there it would be great to have you on an interview down there in Vilcabamba man :D

VICTORY!!!!!!!! that evergreen cbd product look ammmmmazing matt!!!!! loved the video..and the FEELING behind it!!! VICTORY!!!! thank YOU!!!!!!!!! re steemed!!!!!

That is great


yes, you are right.I am also with you it realy realy awesome.♥♥


It's like when an egg breaks and you can put it back together

lol, totally!

When do you think CBD products will be banned

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