Understanding the Role of CBD in Appetite Stimulation and Pain Relief
CBD is bringing a revolutionary change in the health supplement industry for the last decade. A large number of CBD products are already in the market and scientists are rapidly working hard to discover new possibilities. As per the currently revealed test results, it is clear that cannabinoids present in cannabis leaves are helpful to heal our various physical and mental health issues. Have you ever tried to understand how it actually works? Let’s have a look.
Our body accepts cannabinoids' impact because of the endocannabinoid system. This system works with two kinds of receptors i.e. CB1 & CB2. Some cannabinoids bind with CB1 whereas others with CB2. Does CBD make you hungry, relaxed, sleepy or hyperactive? It depends on the types of cannabinoids and terpenes. In this article, we will elaborate on the impact of cannabinoids on hunger and pain.
CBD products for appetite
If someone is facing the issue of low appetite, CBD dominating products cannot serve the purpose. You need some percentage of THC that is actually a psychoactive substance. THC aka Tetrahydrocannabinol stimulates the production of ghrelin hormone in our body which makes you feel hungry. Even if our stomach is full, it feels like more craving for food, especially sweet and fatty. CB1 receptors present in our neurological system controls hunger. When ghrelin hormone secretion increases, they generate hunger sensation in the brain.
Along with hormone stimulation, THC also increases the secretion of Dopamine chemicals. Dopamine stimulates the pleasure feeling in our brain. When ghrelin hormone increases, eating feels like a pleasurable thing due to dopamine secretion.
CBD products whether they are full-spectrum or broad-spectrum dominant cannot stimulate your hunger. If there is no or nominal THC content in your product, it will not be suitable for hunger.
CBD for pain
When we talk about pain, it also includes inflammation. Cannabinoids present in cannabis products imply a significant impact on both sensations. For the fastest results on pain relief, physicians recommend CBD topicals. In the case of internal inflammation, edibles like CBD hemp oil for pain relief would be more effective. You can also go with some affordable options like tinctures and confectionary products like cookies and gummies.
If you are looking for CBD products for pain relief, we recommend full-spectrum products because they contain some amount of THC also that stimulates CB1 receptors of the neurological system. The neurological system actually controls our pain sensation. Whether it is external injury pain, arthritis inflammation or cancer pain, CBD products can help in all cases. However, we recommend recreational marijuana for more effective results.
If you just buy CBD hemp oil with negligible or no trace of THC, it will not show effective results on low appetite and pain. CBD is effective only for immunity-related issues such as insulin imbalance and poor digestion.