Millennials learning financial planning, on CropBytes
Hello farmers.
I once introduced you to the game, but if you haven't seen this post with my review yet, here's a link to it:
I will not hide the fact that with my next post I take part in the #CBblogathon contest.
So, the topic of the competition, and accordingly my post: Millennials are learning financial planning at CropBytes.
I think first we need to define who Millennials are.
On the Internet, I found this:
Millennials, or Generation Y (generation "Y"; other names: generation of the Millennium (millennials [1]), generation "next", "network" generation, millenites, echo boomers) - a generation of people born from about 1981 to 1996 (the date of the beginning of the generation in various sources is considered 1977-1985, the date of the end - 1994-2005), who met the new millennium at a young age, characterized primarily by deep involvement in digital technologies.
So let's get acquainted. My name is Mihail, born in 1985, originally from the Samara region and I am that very Millennial.
Well, as a Millennial, I study financial planning.
Let's take a look at what "financial planning" is.
Thanks again to the internet.
Financial planning - the choice of goals according to the reality of their achievement with the available financial resources, depending on external conditions and the coordination of future financial flows, is expressed in the preparation and control over the implementation of plans for the formation of income and expenses, taking into account the current financial condition, expressed in monetary equivalent, goals and their means achievements.
Now it is clear.
I will tell you what assets I own and how they bring me income.
I bought assets when there were no starter packs yet (I'll talk about them later). I bought everything on the market: 1 chicken (I have 3 of them in total, 2 of them got it for free - thanks to referrals), 3 goats, a solar panel and earth. I spent 3700 TRX on the purchase.
Before I start calculating expenses and income, I will share with you my scheme of earning in the game.
So, I buy carrot seeds, plant them, grow carrots, make carrot food and sell them in the market. Using part of the funds received, I buy corn feed, which I feed my animals. I get income from the price difference on the market for these feeds.
It's simple.
Now let's move on to the calculations.
Cost calculations.
Due to the fact that the sale and purchase of feed on the market starts from 25 feed units, then I calculate according to this minimum number.
For a minimum amount of feed, 5 carrot seeds are needed: 1 seed per planting. A total of 5 crops are obtained. The duration of the harvest is 3 days. From one sowing I get 5 pcs. carrots.
Therefore, to obtain feed in the amount of 25 pieces. it will take me 15 days.
For 15 days, 5 seeds leave me - that's 25 TRX.
From 5 seeds I get 25 carrots, of which I get 25 carrot feed by spending 5 TRX on the commission.
Total costs are 30 TRX.
It is only the cost of the harvest.
Further costs for animals:
15 corn fodder and 9 water are spent on a stern per day. In 15 days 225 feeds (45 TRX at a price of 0.2) and 135 water (54 TRX at a price of 0.4) are released
In total, I spend about 100 TRX on a squirrel in 15 days.
Now we count the income.
Animals give per day:
3 chickens - 12 eggs
3 goats - 9 milk
For 15 days, respectively, 180 eggs and 135 milk.
When exchanging products with a coefficient of 1.41 and a price of GC 1.6 TRX, we get:
180 eggs - 16 GC - 26 TRX, 135 milk - 24 GC - 39 TRX.
Total 65 TRX.
Solar panel income.
The solar battery provides energy in the amount of 3 pieces per day.
For 15 days I get - 45 pcs.
When exchanging energy with a coefficient of 1.41 and a price of GC 1.6 TRX, we get:
45 Energy - 32 GC - 51 TRX
I also have an apple tree, which I won in a competition, which also brings me income and feeds my animals (every Sunday the animals need fruit food).
The apple tree brings me 3 apples.
Productivity 3 days.
In 15 days, the apple tree brings 15 apples.
I prepare 15 apples out of 15 apples, spending 0.15 TRX on the feed preparation fee.
I also spend 5 water every day. For 15 days, the costs are 25, which, with a water price of 0.35 TRX, the consumption is approximately 9 TRX.
When selling carrot feed in the amount of 25 at a price of 1.4 throne, we get 35 TRX.
Costs - 30 + 100 + 9 + 0.15 = 140 TRX
Earnings - 65 + 51+ 35 = 151 TRX
Profit in 15 days - 151 - 140 = 10 TRX
The coefficient is especially important when exchanging products for game coin (GC). It changes too. The smaller it is, the more game coins we get, thereby the more income.
Asset prices of course also play a role, which has not been encouraging lately. But for beginners, these are discounted prices.
I get the most profit from the solar panel. Doesn't ask for food or drink. It stands and generates energy. So, novice farmers, if possible, I advise you to purchase.
As for my investment in the amount of 3700 TRX, which I talked about at the very beginning of the post. If you look at my game balance, which shows the total value of all my assets, based on their value, then, having decided to leave the game, selling them, I will only be in profit.
So farmers. What I wanted to convey to you with this post. Always plan, make calculations, think over the schemes and then you will be in profit.
Start Your Cryptocurrency Growing Business on CropBytes
There are many massive farming games out there with millions of active players, but CropBytes offers a significant difference - the Play to Make Money model.
Download now 
- you can enter the referral code 7CCFB8
Play online
- Note: It will take 5-10 minutes to load the game in your browser on the first try. Please be patient.
There are three starter packs: small, medium and large.
Starter packs are sets of resources to help you get started quickly on your farm 
Small | 299 TRX
Small arable land x 1
P1 Chicken x 2
Corn Seeds x 10
Water x 10
Medium | 499 TRX
Small arable land x 1
P1 Chicken x 1
P1 Goat x 1
Apple tree x 1
Corn Seeds x 10
Water x 10
Large | 899 TRX
Small arable land x 1
P1 Chicken x 1
P1 Goat x 1
P1 Cow x 1
Apple tree x 1
Small well x 1
Corn Seeds x 10
Water x 10
Note. The assets in the starter package are not subject to exchange, transfer, sale, withdrawal and redemption.
Choose the one that suits you best and start now.
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