The grumpiest cat goes to the vet

in #caturday7 years ago

My 5 1/2 year old grey cat Yoda hasn't been himself for a while and he seemed to be drinking more water than usual and has lost some weight. About 2 weeks ago, he refused his normal cat food. Now this is a cat that normally eats everything and anything, including vegetables, bread and dry instant porridge! In December, I lost my 16-year old cat after a long battle with failing kidneys so I am aware that those symptoms could be pointing towards kidney disease. I ran my suspicions past my vet and she agreed that it would be a good idea to do blood tests.

yoda stinkeye.jpg

Yoda is what is termed 'fractious' by vets, meaning that he becomes aggressive and uncooperative during consultations and he once attacked the vet when I took him there for a minor leg wound. Needless to say, he isn't her favourite patient.

I eventually got him into the cat basket, with lots of hissing, and he meowed all the way there, scrabbling around in the basket, trying to escape. Once at the vet, he growled like a dog but he allowed the vet to look at his teeth and was injected with a sedative, Rompun so that his neck could be shaved and blood drawn from his jugular vein. I left him there and returned later once the tests were completed and the sedative had worn off. Apparently, he needed slightly more than the normal dose before he was quiet.

According to the tests, his kidney function is very much normal, but his liver enzymes are a little elevated and we don't know what exactly is wrong with him. It may be that his food is upsetting his stomach but we are unaware of this because he always toilets outside so for now, I have opted to change his diet and give him liver tonics. I suppose I'll have to wait and see. At least the vet agrees that he is a somewhat better patient than he used to be and he holds no grudges since he came home but he is a difficult cat to handle and as much as I love him, I know that our treatment options are limited by his personality so I'm hoping for the best.

Even as a kitten, he liked biting and chewing on his human. A lot.

bitey yoda.jpg


Hopefully he feel better soon :)
That last photo is like my cat chewing on my hand "You pet me 2 times to many, Human!"

Yoda is quite a bit like Suzy, he also has a specific limit and then he bites

They would get on so well..
or not :D

Probably not. But they would make quite a team ;)

haha :D yep
The Grumpy and Grumpier.

I hope Yoda gets better, and that it turns out to be nothing more than a temporary feeling "off color." Kidney disease in cats is scary because it seems to unpredictable... and cats are so good at "hiding" there's anything wrong till it's too late.

We used to have one — Raddish — who was (no so) fondly known as "Slash" at the vet and required the shoulder length welding gloves to be handled.

Anyway, wishing a speedy recovery to Yoda!


He is eating better since I changed his diet so I'm hoping for the best

I hope Yoda is well and has nothing serious! Meow!

Thank you, I hope so too

Oh, poor darling. I hope he will be ok. Thats the hard part of having pets, is when they start with health problems, and you love them so much. I hope the diet change and liver tonics help. He is only a young cat still.

He is young and the liver is an organ that regenerates itself throughout life so I'm hoping he improves

Please Keep us posted.

Yoda is a real fighter with a big attitude to be needing a slightly higher dose than normal. Glad the test showed his kidney function is normal. I hope he will return to his normal self soon after the change of diet and liver tonic.

Thank you. He is eating better already, I hope it stays that way

That’s a cat for you. Our vet is not crazy about felines either. I am glad you got a feel for what may be wrong with the grumpy cat. Hope the liver tonic helps. Sometimes the treatment is as difficult to administer as the exam itself. Hope he makes a speedy recovery. Your friend. 🐓🐓

Thank you! I am hoping for the best

How is the Grumpy Cat doing? 🐓🐓

He's eating better since the diet change and I got the liver tablets this afternoon. The vet laughed and said getting them down him should be fun. Luckily, he decided that he likes the taste so all I had to do was break it into bits and give it to him to eat. So we shall see... Thank you for asking

Soory to hear about yoda..
I hope you can find out whats happening.
A trip to the vet is like what happens with me when I take sandy. On the wild side

The struggle is real with some of our pets

Ah shame man! Cats are so lovable and the attachment to cats is so real. Impersonal people would say "just get another one" if it dies. Surely they don't have a clue. I stay away from pets at the moment because I know the commitment it takes. Until I am able to support an animal, I will stay clear. Makes me sick to know some people use pets for fighting and abuse.

On the point of your kitty fussing when he is at the doctor... My 3 year old son has had the same problem. He refuses medicine etc. It is very tricky. Good luck and I wish your kitty a full and speedy recovery.

Thank you

You take care of your cats, as if they are people. It is very good. Animals are our smaller brothers

Grumpy but looking good.

He is a handsome chap

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