As some of you know, I have a cousin named Cotton. He's such a strange boy, but he's cool. Today, he learned that he has a Hungarian cousin as well. Unfortunately, we don't know his name, but the interesting thing is they look somewhat alike.
The Hungarian kitty cousin
The American cousin, Cotton
MIAU`is Hungarian for MEOW! It's too bad I don't have a way to imbed the actual voice into this post. Maybe that's something for the future.
Have a purrr-fect day! According to my translator, in Hungarian it's,
napja van!
I've always wondered what cat language would sound like in other languages. Interesting! MEOW!! (MIAU`) LOL!
They sure are cute! And, they also do look similar. I wonder who would be the alpha kitty? Thanks for sharing!
Awe, such a big and beautiful cat! Thanks for the follow, following back!🐱🐈🙋
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