Clementine and Excalibur Together Forever!
These are my 2 cats. My all, My everything, My support system. The long hair boy's name is Excalibur and the short hair girl's name is Clementine. They are so sweet to me. When I come home from work every day they freak out and want me to hold them. They're just really precious to me!
So nice cats with long hair. They look adorable
They're super cute and chubby lol cats are awesome. I'll have to post some pics of mine sometime
British cat owners spend roughly 550 million pounds yearly on cat food.
I'm from Kentucky! how much do Kentucky cat owners spend on catfood?
They spend 1 dollar =^● ⋏ ●^=
A cat named Dusty, aged 1 7, living in Bonham, Texas, USA, gave birth to her 420th kitten on June 23, 1952.
Check out @crypt0-cats!
Cats can predict earthquakes. We humans are not 100% sure how they do it. There are several different theories.
Blue-eyed, pure white cats are frequently deaf.
Isaac Newton invented the cat flap. Newton was experimenting in a pitch-black room. Spithead, one of his cats, kept opening the door and wrecking his experiment. The cat flap kept both Newton and Spithead happy.
They sure are cute, and sweet to boot. Clementine is especially friendly.