Cats need to be sterilized too
Here at Krabi Animal Welfare we tend to focus on dogs a lot more than cats but this isn't because we don't care about cats. Cats are just substantially more difficult to capture in order to get them sterilized and they are also very solitary animals and tend to not live in packs the way that dogs do. I don't know if this is a global phenomenon but other than when illness strikes or when feeding their young, cats tend to not hang around with other cats. They simply don't seem to want to.
This is why we tend to focus on dogs. I am more a dog person than a cat person so I like to think that dogs are more amicable creatures towards humans and just naturally gravitate towards human connection while cats on the other hand can do without out us unless they are born believing that humans are a source of food. Even then I think that cats are simply using us for their next meal anyway.
My personal preference aside, we still care for cats as much as we do dogs, we just find it a lot more difficult to sterilize them.
you on the other hand, if you have a cat that you are looking after, particularly if it is an indoor / outdoor cat, really should get that cat sterilized because they are capable of replicating at the same rate that dogs are and are actually a lot better at staying alive than dogs are because of their constant grooming.

Of course some of these cats are going to die off from disease and from traffic in places like Thailand but they really do a pretty great job of staying alive and tend to succumb to parasites at a much lower rate than dogs. I don't really know why that is but it just seems to be the case.
Look at the story I recently did about the explosion of cats on the nearby Phi Phi Islands, there are over a thousand (estimated) cats that are living there now and this happened over the course of just 2 years. The population of those cats is already at critical mass and they would have starved to death if it weren't for the volunteers.
unfortunately, I personally that simply feeding these cats is only going to make the problem worse. A cat with a belly full of food that it didn't have to catch is going to reproduce and the next thing we know 1000 cats will become 4000 cats.

The problem here in Krabi is a unique one on the island but if you have a cat that is an indoor/outdoor cat please get them sterilized. There is not a single place on the planet that has "too few" cats but there are plenty that have entirely too many and unfortunately these animals are going to scavenge for food until there isn't any more and then where I live they will be poisoned once they become a nuisance. Where you live they maybe will be picked up by animal control and then euthanized after their owners (which they may not even have) don't come to pick them up after a certain time period.
Sterilization doesn't cost very much and you have the added benefit of knowing that you prevented unnecessary suffering by having it done.
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Great work. I visited Krabi many moons ago, what a beautiful part of the world. I miss the Karst formations, turquoise waters and care free times! Such fond memories.
yeah, it is a pretty special part of the world, that is for sure. Thanks for commenting
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