Homeless Cats of Istanbul: The Kebab Cat

in #cats6 years ago (edited)

the kebab cat.jpg

Hello again dear Steemians!   

In this port I would like to introduce a very special cat of mine. She is so special because that she is not only a homeless cat of Istanbul, but also a colleague of mine from my office (almost colleague :) ).   

I have met my “Kebab Cat” on a Monday morning, as I was waiting for my shuttle to office, in front of a kebab house where I wait everyday. So chic, warm and also exclusively smart when compared to another lady of mine (please check my previous post called The Roof Cat). 

She is so energetic that she did not let me take a clear photo of her by moving around me and head-banging. Using the advantage of a moment of her abstraction, I could take only this foggy photo (sorry for that).   

I have the opportunity to see her nearly once or twice a week in front of the kebab house, and just for 5 minutes! So I have only guesses about her daily life and routines… I guess that she normally hangs around this kebab house, where she can find good food. I don’t believe that such an energetic cat uses one of the chairs or tables to lay on and have a nap for many hours.   

I am pretty sure that the owners of this kebab house feed her very often. She does not need to beg for food, using her sweetness she just gets it. But I guess the owners do not give water to her; I believe that they don’t have this sense of duty and awareness (what a prejudice).   

Thank you for reading and your time! 


P.S. Summer is approaching which means that homeless animals of Istanbul will need much more water than in the winter times. Animals (especially cats) can find food somehow but finding water is more important… You can cut the upper side of plastic bottles (5 liters) convert them to water bowl for animals. But it is also very important to stick this label below on them! I see lack of awareness on people how animals need water and hope that will change in a positive way very very soon!  

kebab cet haytab.PNG


Great post. Such a cute cat. It must get a lot of food from the kebab restaurant. It looks a little fat.

Thank you so much :) There is no alternative way for her, just getting fatter and fatter :)

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