Discover The Truth About Your Cats Nine Lives
Do you have a cat with nine cat lives? Most of us would probably think that this just means the cat is lucky enough to have the equivalent of 9 lives because she is so good at escaping situations. But if you think about it, you might be wondering where exactly it came from and what exactly it means. In this article we will discover the truth about the nine lives of cats.
She says the nine lives of cats refer to someone, be it a cat or a human, who has so many opportunities to make a difference in their life. If you look at Brewer's Dictionary of Phrases and Fables, you'll see that the term comes from cats, who are more stubborn than most animals.
Some believe the cat of nine lives originated in Egypt, where cats were once prized pets. If you look at the number 9, it is three times the number 3, which means trinity, so 9 lives means three times luck as the number 3, which itself brings luck.
Given that it also originated in Egypt, it seems fitting that the country's myths of numbers and the cunning animal converge in a phrase like this.
If you dig deeper, a cat's nine lives could also be due to their seeming agile and ability to escape from dangerous situations. One would imagine that they can climb trees after disturbing the dogs, they always seem to land on their feet and they can move quite quickly too.
Additionally, cats are a popular pet in millions of households with owners who adore several of these beautiful animals when allowed. The cat is also more adaptable than many animals, being both an indoor and outdoor animal.
Can be trained to be very squeamish and correct. Cats can be in a selected area, such as. B. a litter box, can be easily trained on the potty. He can be endearing and protective, attacking mice and even large dogs if he so desires.
These animals are very versatile and have their own personalities. You can appear cunning and loving at the same time. They are so unique, even from each other. And that's a particularly endearing trait because of the different personalities of their owners.
You may never find two cats that are identical in traits and personality, even if they come from the same litter.No wonder the phrase nine lives of a cat suits them so well.
After all these explanations, however, you may be very surprised that no one knows exactly where the phrase about the nine lives of cats came from. While all informed conjecture says it derives from the size of the cat and the number 9 in ancient Egypt, it has not been proven. To this day there is still a great mystery about the phrase "One cat nine lives" and where it actually comes from.