Back to the vet today,,,,,

in #cats7 years ago


Back to the vet today with Faxon. I must say his eye is finally looking a lot better so I am hoping for a good report from the doctor. Imagine he will have us finish out the meds to be on the safe side but then that will be it.

You might recall he had the infection in his good eye start a little over a week ago. We took him to one vet last Monday and she gave us antibiotics and some drops to put in his eye. Then he had a bad reaction to the drops and we were back to the vet. The regular vet was not available due to a death in the family so we had to go to an emergency clinic.

The vet at the emergency clinic was awesome with Faxon!! He changed the drops to a cream which also had an anti-inflammatory steroid in it as well as additional meds. At first I was not sure if they were helping or not, but he seems to have really turned the corner over night. His eye is a lot less swollen and much clearer now.

I really appreciate all of those who prayed and kept Faxon in their thoughts!! While not completely healed yet I do believe he is definitely out of the woods from the fear of losing his eyesight in his good eye. He has been blind in his right eye since before I adopted him from the animal shelter.

Faxon is a very special cat. I will write about it someday. Thanks again!!



Hope Faxon gets better. My love and prayers for him!

@mydivathings thanks so much, it is really appreciated!!

Awesome to see he is improving <3 and continued prayer he heals completely!

@mydivathings and @weetreebonsai we are back and Faxon is going to be fine!! Thanks so much for the prayers!!

Aw, what a cutie Faxon is!
So glad to hear that his eye is clearing up with antibiotics. I could never get that close to my cats eyes to do anything like that without being shredded! LOL

@merej99 thanks so much!! He doesn't like it but he is co-operating somewhat, LOL. He knows it is helping him. His eye looks so much better now. I am so grateful!!

My neighbor's dog had ripped open his head on a fence and they couldn't afford a vet but the dog always came over to visit with me. There was a part of me that worried he would bite if I tried to take care of the wound but he was so good. He let me clean it, put some antibiotic cream and actually let me put a butterfly closure on him. After a few days it closed up and healed pretty good, with a tiny scar to make him look tough. HA! Animals know when we try to help...but they are also as bad as toddlers when they've had enough of our doting. ;)

Ha!! I can so picture that @merej99!! Great little story and you are so right!! Animals are much smarter than we often give them credit for.

On a different note, I have started the power down process, which you know will take 3 months. Once it is converted to steam, along with any other money I make in the mean time, I want to transfer it over to you for your "pay it forward" projects. My life is very quickly taking a different direction and I won't be on steemit much any more. And truthfully there are way too many nasty, fake, greedy people on here that have caused me to believe that this really is not the right place for me. Believe me, I know there are some really good ones here and I will miss them, but I will not miss the predators and scam artists of which there are many. I do wonder how many fake accounts one person can set up before someone from steemit catches on? Anyway I have enjoyed knowing you and I do believe in your pay it forward program so I would like to help in some small way. Blessings!! I'll be in touch!!

I'm glad he's getting better, poor Faxon x

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